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DocuSign Envelope ID: Al E64657- B4BC- 4CBD- BBDE- 98475BE11255 <br />`J_ q.�z <br />mission statement <br />Mission Statement <br />Statistics prove that the best way to treat any injury or illness is to prevent it from ever occurring. <br />However, there are many debates about what interventions are the most effective and which ones <br />achieve the highest measures of success. It is well recognized by experts in the field of <br />occupational and industrial medicine, that the single highest degree of injury reductions are <br />accomplished through functional testing. Functional testing is a bio- ergonomic intervention that <br />measures human strength and performance, and appropriately matches them to the physical <br />demands of the job. The WorkSTEPS@ Functional Test Model CModel") has proven to reduce <br />work - related MSD's by an average of 50% in its first year of implementation when used as a first <br />line of defense in the prevention of MSD's. Functional testing combined with other injury <br />management programming such as conditioning, ergonomics, etc., can help achieve reductions <br />which are even more significant. <br />The Model has gained wide acceptance in the business community due to the rising costs <br />associated with workers' compensation and increased federal regulations being imposed on <br />employers by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration and the Equal Employment <br />Opportunity Commission, The Model helps employers stay compliant with federal hiring practices <br />and the Americans' with Disabilities Act. The Model utilizes appropriately designed and <br />administered tests, historical pre- and post -injury data, and evaluations relevant to physical <br />performance to help mitigate the incidence and costs of injury and provide better data to its <br />employers to assist In resolution of claims. <br />The Model is currently utilized in 48 states and has proven invaluable to both large and small <br />employers in their ongoing efforts to reduce workplace injury incidence and their related costs. <br />This Model is appropriate for use in all industries as it addresses common musculoskeletal <br />problems that encompass heavy labor to high tech, repetitive motion injuries. Many employers <br />using the Model have been recognized both nationally and regionally for exemplary <br />accomplishments in safety and prevention programming. The employer /occupational medicine <br />partnership created through this Model has resulted In hundreds of safer, more productive <br />workplaces. <br />Litigation <br />WorkSTEPS® has never been found negligent or contributory in any settlement regarding ADA or <br />EEOC non - compliance. <br />WorkSTEPS® has a history of litigation successes. Once pre -injury status is achieved, medical <br />costs are justifiably stopped and maximum improvement is assigned. <br />WorkSTEPS® has established a significant precedent by subtracting pre - existing impairments in a <br />final workers' compensation award. <br />,lob Ready Services, LLC <br />919 256 -1400 <br />