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DocuSign Envelope ID: Al E64657- B4BC- 4CBD- BBDE- 98475BE11255 <br />executive summary <br />The Objective... <br />The WorkSTEPS® Program is a system of ADA compliant employment tests that are both <br />scientific and objective. These tests establish baseline information on employees and help insure <br />that they are appropriately matched to the physical demands of their jobs. Information collected <br />during these tests is invaluable to employers in both the hiring and post injury management of <br />workplace injury. <br />+ Need #1 : Develop a Job Analysis in a standardized format for describing each unique job <br />function within each designated department's job description. <br />a Need #2 : Implement functional capacity testing to objectively measure current and future <br />employees' ability to perform the required tasks outlined by the analysis. <br />+ Need #3: Standardize data collection and reporting pre and post injury <br />+ Need # 4: Prevent injuries in the workplace by appropriately matching employees' abilities to <br />their job responsibilities, <br />+ Need #5: Detect "al risk" employees who have significant pre - existing impairments, <br />+ Need #6 : Intervene following the inception of an injury to effectively rehab workers and <br />minimize lost work days, <br />+ Need #7. Eliminate fraud through the use of scientific consistency °checks° post injury, <br />The Opportunity... <br />Reduce costs associated with work - related injury by implementing a functional employment testing <br />program. <br />+ Goal #1 : Significantly reduce workplace injury incidence, <br />+ Goal #2: Reduce workplace injury costs, <br />+ Goal #3: Reduce last time, <br />+ Goal #4. Create accountability for employees & treating providers. <br />Job Ready Services, t_LC 2 <br />919 256 -1400 <br /> <br />