2014-573-E HR - Job Ready Services, LLC for the WorkSTEPS Testing Program for Workplace Fitness For Duty and Functional Capacity Testing for Certain Work Groups $15,000
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2014-573-E HR - Job Ready Services, LLC for the WorkSTEPS Testing Program for Workplace Fitness For Duty and Functional Capacity Testing for Certain Work Groups $15,000
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R 2014-573 HR - Job Ready Services, LLC for the WorkSTEPS Testing Program for Workplace Fitness For Duty and Functional Capacity Testing for Certain Work Groups $15,000
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DocuSign Envelope ID: Al E64657- B4BC- 4CBD- BBDE- 98475BE11255 <br />expected <br />Job Ready Services as a provider of WorkSTEPSO has been successful in saving many area employers <br />thousands of dollars in workers` compensation insurance claims and lost time accidents. This has been <br />accomplished by providing a unique test that determines whether a job candidate can perform the essential <br />functions of their job. This testing program is a proven method of reducing costs associated with workplace <br />injuries. Many employers currently utilizing the testing program are reporting an average reduction of 50% <br />of their previous year's work injury costs, and many companies have achieved savings of as high as 80 %. <br />Statement of Problern /Need <br />+ The University of Massachusetts recently reported that 10% of existing employees are not <br />physically capable of performing their job tasks. This same 10% also accounts for 75% of the <br />costs associated with workplace injuries. information collected during WorkSTEPSO testing <br />identifies individuals who are at high risk for injury and prevents an employer from placing or <br />retaining them in job positions that they are not physically capable of performing. <br />+ One back injury costs over $100,000 (medical, replacement income, indemnity, etc.) <br />+ One carpal tunnel costs over $100,000 (medical, replacement income, indemnity, etc.) <br />+ One fraudulent claim costs over $70,000 <br />Project Scope and Objectives <br />The Scope of the project may include testing of job positions as identified by Orange County <br />The following objectives shall be achieved: <br />+ Reduce work related injury costs by 50% over a one year period <br />+ identify individuals who do not meet job specific strengths or aerobic requirements <br />+ Appropriately match current and new employees to the physical demands of their jobs <br />+ Provide the company with capable/not-capable recommendations <br />+ Substantiate legitimate injuries and disqualify fraudulent claims <br />+ Reduce employee turnover <br />+ Expedite injured employees return to work <br />+ Standardize data collection and reporting pre and post injury <br />Jab Ready Services, LLC 4 <br />919 256 -1400 <br />
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