Agenda - 12-01-2014 - 7a - Amended
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-01-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 12-01-2014 - 7a - Amended
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Last modified
6/8/2015 3:38:06 PM
Creation date
12/3/2014 2:51:05 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Minutes 12-01-2014
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2014
RES-2014-084 Resolution of the Orange County Board of Commissioners Agreeing to an Extension of the Town of Chapel Hill's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2014
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12 <br />available to Town residents. Accordingly, in order for the Town to participate in the efforts with <br />Orange County and Carrboro to date, we have increased our contribution towards construction of <br />the clubhouse to include our 43 percent share of the outreach efforts and preliminary engineering <br />costs. The cost of the clubhouse is estimated to be approximately $700,000 with the Town share <br />of 43 percent equaling $300,000. <br />EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION <br />The area within the Chapel Hill's portion of the joint planning area (under the Joint Planning <br />Agreement between the Town, Carrboro, and Orange County signed in 1986) primarily east of <br />Rogers Road, is outside of the Town limits and outside the Town's current Extraterritorial <br />Jurisdiction. As such, the Town Attorney has determined that the Town may not provide <br />funding for most projects in this area. If the area were to be included within the Extraterritorial <br />Jurisdiction (ETJ), the Town could spend Community Development Block Grant funds if the <br />area qualified as low or moderate income households. This would allow the Town to contribute <br />towards extending sewer service to the area. <br />One of the recommendations of the Task Force was for the Town of Chapel Hill to pursue <br />expanding the Town's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) to include the Historic Rogers Road <br />area. The demographic data generated by the outreach efforts of the Jackson Center indicates that <br />a significant percentage of the households will qualify as either low or moderate income <br />households. With this data, Town staff is recommending that the Council consider expansion of <br />the ETJ to allow the Town to spend community development funding in the area even though it <br />would remain outside the corporate limits of the Town. Please see the Recommendations section <br />of this memorandum for additional information. <br />NEXT STEPS <br />We have additional recommendations and ask the Town Council for guidance. <br />LONG -TERM PLANNING: The provision of sewer service to the 86 identified parcels will <br />likely affect the development patterns and pressures in the Rogers Road area. We believe some <br />systematic planning of the un- (or under -) developed properties is critical in preserving the <br />character of the existing neighborhood and being proactive in managing the area's future. We <br />recommend that the Council direct the Manager to continue and expand efforts for developing a <br />long -term plan for the area. This process would include engaging with the community through <br />the Jackson Center and Rogers Eubanks Neighborhood Association (RENA). <br />The Managers and staff have also been exploring the option of creating an expanded utility <br />district. The district would include the Historic Rogers Road neighborhood, additional <br />neighborhoods in the path of the sewer lines, and the immediate area that would benefit from the <br />extension of utility lines. <br />Providing assistance for residents of the Rogers Road neighborhood would continue to be the <br />first priority. The creation of the Utility District could be phased to provide service to residents <br />of the Rogers Road neighborhood first and residents outside the Rogers Road neighborhood <br />
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