Orange County NC Website
11 <br />BACKGROUND <br />lnZO|2^ the Historic Rogers [load Neighborhood Task Force (Task Force) was formed u` <br />address the extension of sewer service and o community center to serve the Rogers }lnud <br />neighborhood. The Task Force recommendations were provided in a report dated September 17, <br />2Ol3 and available a1 this link 2 This report has several key recommendations, with the primary <br />focus being providing sewer service io 86 identified properties. Thianuumuorundnm addresses <br />some of the key recommendations associated with that report. <br />EXTENSION OF SEWER TO <br />HISTORIC R0GERS ROADMEIG0BO5H00OOD <br />OUTREACH: Outreach efforts Fm the Jackson Center have been underway since mid-summer. <br />The Jackson Center has been in contact with nearly all 86 identified parcels. The efforts have <br />been focused nnobtaining socio-economic and demographic data, historical connections, <br />uonuruuuiiy interests, and desire for sewer. The Center is reporting that approximately &2percent <br />of the households surveyed are at, or below, the 80 percent Area Median Income (AMI) <br />threshold and approximately 49 percent of the households are below 50 percent of AMI. <br />Community development block grant (C[}BO)pnogrocnm serve low and moderate income <br />households. For a family of four, a household income of less than $52,550 is at 80 percent AMI <br />and less than $32,850 is at 5U percent AM[. <br />The Jackson Center has been working collaboratively with the Rogers Eubanks Neighborhood <br />Association in developing community input sessions and newsletters. <br />SEWER SERVICE: The recommendations from tile Task Force Final Report included u <br />recommendation that the three jurisdictions fund the sewer service through a cost share <br />ogn:cmeut- Pcouunrdtothe agreement, the County and Chapel Hill would each provide 4]Y6of <br />the cost and Carrbono would contribute 14Y6. The Final Report also recommended a plan that <br />would extend sewer service at a preliminary cost estimate of $5.8 million to serve tile 86 parcels <br />identified in the Historic Rogers Road neighborhood. <br />Preliminary Engineering io underway hy8VJ/\S/\,o1a cost of$|30,U00. This cost |m shared by <br />the three jurisdictions with Orange County and Chapel Hill umrdriba1iug $55,900 each and <br />CmrborouooU.ibutimg $l8`200. The preliminary engineering field work includes surveying, <br />subsurface utility engineering, and geoLeohoioa| evaluation. This work will provide more <br />certainty to the layout and cost estimate, identify the location of buried utilities (which may <br />cause conflicts along the route), and determine the subsurface conditions (such as rock). We <br />anticipate this vvmik should bc concluded by March 2O\5, assuming nn weather delays. It is <br />impodouthunoLe that the preliminary engineering field work does not include services such ou <br />design, permitting, nr easement acquisitions. <br />Ibn Town Attorney has determined that vvo are unable generally to spend Town funds in an area <br />outside of the Town limits and not within the ETJ. An exception to this general rule exists to <br />allow the Town to provide financial support to recreational facilities which are open and <br />2 <br />