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Chair Jacobs said these are good points. He gave some history of the past school <br /> building process. He said the school systems are a huge part of the community's value. He <br /> said the schools are trying to promote the fact that they can add capacity and age in place. He <br /> said all of the past bonds have been approved by the voters. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said the County has an obligation to build schools. She said <br /> there are a few new schools and then some much older schools, and this difference is what is <br /> being addressed. She said one proposal for this bond is to renovate the older schools to make <br /> them equivalent to the new schools, and this will also allow for the addition of capacity in <br /> several schools. <br /> Commissioner McKee said there is a normal escalation in cost for household expenses <br /> and County expenses, and this helps somewhat offset the tax increases that are not <br /> discontinued. <br /> Commissioner porosin said if you get to the end of the bond, you still have continuing <br /> costs associated with what was purchased. <br /> Clarence Grier said when staff has done any debt issuance in the past, they have <br /> worked hard to prevent a tax increase. He said staff has done financial models going forward <br /> if there is a bond, and they would work hard to do what is prudent for the residents of Orange <br /> County. <br /> 5. Update on Oranqe County Bus and Rail Investment Plan (OCBRIP) Status <br /> Chair Jacobs said he talked to the County manager about this, and the Board stands <br /> ready to work with Carrboro to better coordinate transit planning with them. <br /> Craig Benedict said this project was passed by referendum in 2012, and the monies for <br /> this are from the half cent sales tax, as well as increases in registration fees. He said these <br /> monies came in 2013. He reviewed the following summary of projects: <br /> Summary of Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan (OCBRIP) Status <br /> Liqht Rail Transit (LRT) -Accepted by FTA into the `project development stage' to be complete <br /> by Feb 2016. Triangle Transit will be holding workshops in November to provide information <br /> and collect comments on the environmental work that's underway. The November 1 gtn <br /> workshop will be held from 4:00-7:OOpm at the UNC Friday Center, Chapel Hill. <br /> North-South Corridor Study—A transit service planning initiative being completed by Chapel Hill <br /> and its consultant for the corridor linking Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, South Columbia <br /> Street and US Highway 15-501 South. The study will identify and evaluate improved <br /> accessibility, capacity, convenience and travel-time for riders. <br /> Amtrak Train Station in Hillsborouqh —A capacity study on the rail corridor to help determine <br /> future needs, which could impact the station or its location, is underway and anticipated to be <br /> complete by the end of this year. Following the capacity study, the Town and Triangle Transit <br /> will pursue environmental documentation. <br /> Bus Services: <br /> Triangle Transit— <br /> • On August 18, 2014, Triangle Transit initiated Phase I (Hillsborough to Durham) of <br /> the Orange-Durham Express (ODX) service and Phase II (extension to Mebane) <br /> is expected to commence in early 2015. <br /> • Introduce Saturday night and Sunday service for first time on routes <br /> serving and connecting Chapel Hill to other Triangle Area destinations <br /> - Starting August 2014 <br /> - 1,442 FY 2015 service hours in Orange County <br />