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Steve Brantley said there is an 18,000 square foot office building sitting next to the old <br /> Orange County Health Department. He said this is a great space for offices and incubator <br /> type tenants. <br /> Alderman Gist said maybe this needs to be marketed more as a small business startup <br /> center. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if there is a maximum grant amount one person can apply <br /> for, and if the grants can be used in cooperation with a loan from the County or the Town of <br /> Carrboro. <br /> Steve Brantley said the current proposal has a multi-tiered application for grants as low <br /> as $1000 with limited required information, and up to as much as a $10,000 grant with greater <br /> proof of how a potential business will deliver. He said there could be a combination of grants <br /> and loans. <br /> Chair Jacobs said in this last budget cycle the Board approved a position for business <br /> retention. He said the Board hopes that this person would go and see if someone needs <br /> assistance. He said if the relationships were good, then perhaps there could be better <br /> retention of small and larger businesses. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said it is an excellent idea to have an integrative approach. She <br /> said if all of the resources could work together, more businesses could be attracted to the <br /> County. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he sits on this loan committee, and the applications he has <br /> seen have run the gamut in terms of focus and detail. He said the committee has gone out of <br /> their way to make sure loans are approved. He said there is also a realization that these are <br /> tax funds, and the committee does not want the County to be in the position of having to take <br /> someone's home, since people use that as collateral. He said once the application and rules <br /> are in place for the grant, it may be possible to do a combination of a grant and an additional <br /> loan. He said it might be possible to collaborate with the towns if the amount was too large for <br /> one entity. <br /> Steve Brantley said he and Bonnie Hammersley met with the Chair and Vice Chair to <br /> provide direction. He said there is a draft of the kind of document that Commissioner Gordon <br /> referred to. He said this will touch on state areas of assistance, as well as non-profits in order <br /> to create a comprehensive view of the services that are available. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked if Hillsborough is more affordable than the American <br /> Tobacco space or the other towns. <br /> Steve Brantley said incubator space can be well served in Carrboro and Hillsborough. <br /> He said Hillsborough has a healthy menu of products and space. He said anything that adds <br /> space to Carrboro will affect market rate and give businesses an opportunity to be there. <br /> Alderman Haven O'Donnell said one of the things that has been learned about loans in <br /> Carrboro is that people come there as the last possible resort. She said many of the people <br /> who come for loans lack business experience, and there is a need to provide training for loan <br /> applicants. She said they need mentorship during the first 3-5 years. She questioned whether <br /> funds in the small business loan program can be used throughout the County. She said that <br /> businesses get started in Carrboro and then they reach certain size and the space rate is too <br /> expensive, so they move elsewhere. She said there is no graduation of space within Carrboro, <br /> and this is a retention issue. <br /> She said incubators say that they need to reduce costs with the space, and there is no <br /> public private partnership to provide this. She said the other piece is to have a shared space <br /> with shared administrative assistance. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley asked Steve Brantley to provide an update on the business <br /> retention and recruitment position. <br />