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Mayor Lavelle said $1.25 million of the revenues received per year for the ten year <br /> period are designated for economic development. She asked if the $600,000 - $700,000 <br /> going to water and sewer would be for all ten years. <br /> Steve Brantley said the sales tax is permanent, but the economic development use is <br /> for ten years. <br /> Mayor Lavelle asked if the water and sewer infrastructure target is for all ten years. <br /> Steve Brantley said those categories represent the framework for what was voted on. <br /> He said staff worked with the planning and inspections department, which was a chief <br /> participant in prioritizing water and sewer. <br /> Mayor Lavelle said she is trying to understand if this means there is roughly $400,000 - <br /> $500,000 for the remaining 7 years. She is trying to see how this projects out over the ten <br /> years. <br /> Steve Brantley said there is a huge demand in several categories, but there were <br /> certain categories where reserves had built up. He said he is trying to find ways to get all of <br /> the categories engaged so that nothing is unused. He said there are individuals who can <br /> explain more details of the charts. <br /> Alderman Chaney asked about the size and deployment rate of the small business loan <br /> funds. <br /> Steve Brantley said $200,000 annually would be the equivalent of making 4 maximum <br /> size loans in a calendar year. He said the program allows for 5 year term loans of up to <br /> $50,000, and there are a few borrowers who do this. He said when the recession hit, there <br /> was some difficulty in finding applicants. He said staff has tried to find ways to expand <br /> knowledge of the program and increase demand. He said there have been some policies and <br /> procedures that have been amended to allow lending to non-profits, and remove some <br /> questions related to probation issues, and this was at the request of the Commissioners. <br /> Alderman Chaney asked how much has not been deployed for this program. <br /> Steve Brantley said $360,000 in funds is kept in the bank, and the origin of this is the <br /> movement of money from the Visitor's Bureau fund balance into the small business loan <br /> program in 2011. He said this was the seed money, and the article 46 funds are there for use <br /> after the seed money is depleted. <br /> Alderman Chaney said the town also has a lot of undeployed money, and they are <br /> struggling with demand too. She said if there are questions of how these funds are being <br /> allocated, maybe staff should take a look at the assets in the small business loan program <br /> within the County as a whole to see if these funds are being used efficiently. She said <br /> perhaps the funds could be combined to create a niche to meet different markets or the <br /> amount in the funds could be reduced and this money could be used them elsewhere. <br /> Alderman Gist asked if the small business loan program is working directly with <br /> LAUNCH. <br /> Steve Brantley said LAUNCH is a prospect and an incubator. He said the goal is to find <br /> promising entrepreneurial prospects that could be considered for a small grant as well as for a <br /> loan. He said many of the LAUNCH companies have been so successful at raising venture <br /> capital that they have not needed the funds. <br /> Alderman Gist said the aldermen hear different but true things in Carrboro. She said <br /> those who want to build residential say there is very little demand for commercial, but <br /> businesses say there is no affordable place to rent, so they take their business to other cities. <br /> She said maybe what is being learned through the small business program can be applied to <br /> the development and approval process with new mixed use development. She said perhaps <br /> there needs to be a requirement of a certain percentage of affordable office and commercial <br /> space in new mixed use developments. She would like for this to be considered. <br />