Agenda - 02-19-2008-4h
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-19-2008
Agenda - 02-19-2008-4h
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Last modified
9/2/2008 8:45:57 AM
Creation date
8/28/2008 9:43:00 AM
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Agenda Item
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2008-019 AMS - RB Engineering for Structural Engineering Services to repair Barns at park sites
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2008
2008-020 Purchasing - RB Engineering for Structural Engineering Services to repair Barns at park sites
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2008
Minutes - 20080219
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2008
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<br />RB ENGINEERING, INC. - ENGINEERING PROPOSAL <br />Page 2 January 25, 2008 <br />The primary purpose of our involvement will be to determine structurally appropriate repairs <br />to address the existing structural issues and to prepare repair plans and project specifications. <br />During the construction phase of the project, we will assist on a limited and as-needed basis <br />to ensure that work is being performed in a structurally acceptable manner. <br />Qualifications <br />RB Engineering, Inc. is a structural engineering firm based in Cary, North Carolina and <br />included with this proposal you will find my resume and a structural project list. In addition <br />to being qualified to perform this assignment from a structural engineering perspective, our <br />company also provides you with the following additional project benefits: <br />• Since I will be acting as the project engineer, a Professional Engineer will be actively <br />involved with every aspect of the repair project. <br />• RB Engineering, Inc. has extensive experience with foundation and floor repairs, <br />including repair methods and procedures. <br />• RB Engineering, Inc. has excellent working relationships with several local <br />foundation and repair contractors. <br />• RB Engineering, Inc. has a working knowledge of local site conditions. <br />Labor & Expenses <br />Our lump sum fee for consulting structural engineering to prepare repair plans and project <br />specifications in accordance with this proposal is $20,000 - with a project breakdown as <br />follows: <br />• $7,500 - Cate Barn (stabilization option) <br />• $12,500 - Blackwood Barn <br />Also, this proposal includes a contingency amount of up to $2,000 for any additional <br />engineering services beyond the scope of this report that are determined to be necessary as <br />the project progresses for a maximum proposal amount of $22,000. The additional services <br />would be billed at a $125 hourly rate. This proposal includes the following list of tasks that <br />will be performed by RB Engineering, Inc. in order to meet the objectives of the assignment: <br />• Initial site (scoping) meeting with owner representatives <br />• Structural inspections <br />• Structural evaluation and repair design <br />• Preparation of repair plans and project specifications <br />• Provide construction documents to owner and attend a pre-bid meeting <br />• Limited construction inspections to address any structural issues <br />• Final inspection <br />Invoicing of engineering labor and expenses for engineering reviews on this assignment will <br />occur on the following basis: <br />25% due at the start of the project <br />65% due by the pre-bid meeting <br />10% due at the completion of the project
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