Agenda - 12-01-2014 - 7c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-01-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 12-01-2014 - 7c
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Last modified
6/8/2015 3:38:34 PM
Creation date
11/26/2014 8:44:25 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Document Relationships
2015-113 Planning - Amendment to Interlocal Agreement between OC-City of Durham, Construction-Operation of Water-Sewer Facilities in the Eno ED Zone
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2010's\2015
Minutes 12-01-2014
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IN <br />Construct the pump station and force main to convey only near-term wastewater flows, with <br />the understanding that both will need tuhe upgraded iu the future. This option will cost <br />significantly more money for the County over the lifetime of the project, but have a lower initial <br />capital cost. Additional modeling and engineering evaluation will bo required tndetermine <br />where and how much wastewater flow can be discharged in the City's system and what the <br />required infrastructure will be. <br />8~3 Recommendations <br />The County has included approximately $1,500,0,00 in their Capital Improvement Program to fun d <br />design and construction of water and wastewater improvements in the Eno EDD. Based on the cost <br />estimates presented in Tables 8-2 and 8-3, there is not currently enough funding available to construct <br />the recommended wastewater infrastructure for either wastewater flow scenario. Therefore, the <br />County will have to consider alternatives in order for this project to continue to move forward, <br />possibly in addition to the cost reduction options presented in Section 8.2. Based on 6iscussions with <br />County and City staff, the following alternatives may bocoosidered. <br />8°3~1 Alternatives <br />Alternative 1— Design and Construction of Improvements <br />This alternative includes continuous design, permitting, bidding, and construction ofthe <br />recommended improvements. In order for this alternative to move forward, County will bm <br />required to reallocate funds to increase their available budget from $1,500,000 to the desired scenario <br />estimate, presented in Tables 8-2 and 8-3. If design of the improvements were to begin in early 2014, <br />construction would be estimated to start io early 2015. , <br />Alternative 2—Full Design of Improvements <br />This alternative includes development ofa complete design nf any necessary <br />permanent easements should also be included iu this alternative. Permitting, bidding, and <br />construction will be put on hold until additional funding can be secured. The permitting is put on hold <br />because permit approvals have limited durations and could expire before construction funding is <br />secured. This alternative will allow the County to make use of most of their currently available funds <br />to keep the project zooniogfunwurduntbutoucatboaddibnua|fuudingiscoudeavailoble,tbepnjocL <br />can more quickly advance into permitting, bidding, and construction. Based on the cost presented in <br />Table 8-2, the full design ia expected tocust\eas than $1,130^OU0. The cost will bo less since <br />permitting would not be included iu this phase. <br />Alternative 3—Preliminary Design of Improvements <br />This alternative includes development of preliminary design documents, which are assumed to be <br />around the 5O percent design stage. Final design, permitting, bidding, and construcdOu will be put ou <br />bnlduotDuddibnuuIfuudiu800ubeseoured.Tbiyalt*cuu1bevvUluDom/d`:CouotyLAouukensaof <br />some of their available funding to keep the project moving forward so that once the additional funding <br />is made available, the project can more quickly advance. <br />The preliminary design is eNpected to include an additional data collection effort, which would include <br />aonney and geotocbnicaU investigation, followed hn development of preliminary design drawings and <br />key technical specifications. Additional work could also be included such as prelimin �ry-coordination <br />with regulatory ag000ioxandpnbUcmotraacb.Looduogois0tioo[ortbepcupoaedpu,dpatatinocoold <br />8-5 <br />
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