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����a��~���� �� <br />�����V��° " �� <br />The purpose of this section is to present osummary of the conclusions presented in Sections 1 <br />through 7of this report and discuss options for project implementation. <br />The primary objective ofthis project ia for the City and County Un collaborate to construct the <br />backbone ofa water and sewer system within the Eno 8DDthat will promote un effective growth <br />pattern in Orange County with respect to location and phasing. In order to develop the backbone <br />system, CDM Smith has performed an evaluation of the Eno EDD to develop projected water and <br />wastewater flows, determine what infrastructure will be needed to create the backbone, determine <br />where the generated wastewater will be discharged in the City's sewer system, identify potential <br />permitting needs, and develop conceptual opinions ooprobable cont. <br />The water demands and wastewater flows developed for the Eno EDD are summarized in Table 8-1. It <br />can be seen from the table that the projected average water demands vary from 76,000 gpd in year <br />2020 under the Low scenario to 895,000 gpd bybuild-out under the High scenario, The projected <br />average wastewater flows vary from 6O,00Ogpd io year 2O2O under the Low scenario 1o715,AO0gpd <br />by build-out under the High scenario. - <br />Table 0-1. Summary mf Average Day Water Demand and Wastewater Flow Projections by Planning <br />Period <br />Notes <br />1) The Low, Mid, and High projections differ based on the assumed unit water demand factor for industrial development. <br />The Low projection assumed 1,000 gpd/acre, the Mid projection 1,500 gpd/acre, and the High projection 2,000 gpd/acre. <br />a) The wastewater projections are based on an assumed water return rate of 80 percent. <br />3) The percentage of growth between planning periods was provided by Orange County. <br />The Eno BDD currently has al6'bzcb diameter waterline installed iu the project area. Based ooa <br />hydraulic model analysis, the existing water main has sufficient capacity to meet the near-term and <br />build-out demands for the Low and Mid scenarios,, There are some minor flow and headloss <br />deficiencies for the High flow scenario under build-out conditions, however it would be anticipated <br />8a <br />14 <br />