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12 <br />Section w introduction <br />1.3 Scope of Study <br />y <br />The scope nfwork for this master plan was developed byCDM Smith, City, and County staff and <br />consists of the following primary tasks: <br />0 Flow and Demand Projections <br />� <br />Proposed Water and Wastewater Infrastructure within Eno EDD � <br />� <br />° <br />Force Main Discharge Alternatives <br />z <br />= <br />Permit AQeogrCoordbxiduo ^ <br />= Cost Estimates <br />N Master Plan Report <br />A brief description uf each task follows. <br />Flow and Demand Projections <br />The purpose of this task was tb utilize available zoning and nIooned data to develop <br />water demand and wastewater flow projections within the Eno EDD, which in turn would be used to <br />layout the proposed water and wastewater infrastructure backbone. <br />The purpose of this task was tb develop u conceptual layout of the recommended water distribution, <br />wastewater collection, and vv;qoLoeater pump station and force main infrastructure within the Eno <br />BD�D.A combination of wastewater flow/water demand projections and physical site characteristics, <br />such as topography, streams, eind roads, were used to layout the proposed infrastructure that would <br />serve um the backbone of the system . <br />- <br />Force Main �Discharge Alternatives <br />The purpose of this task was to identify and evaluate various alternatives for where the wastewater <br />flow generated within the Eno EDD could be discharged into the City's wastewater collection and <br />conveyance system. The location ufthe Eno BDD basin is such that the »mxtewdter flow could <br />potentially be discharged into either one of the City's two water reclamation facility (WRF) basins, the <br />North Durham WRF or the South Durham WRF. There are three potential outfalls the Eno EDD flow <br />could b*discharged to: <br />0 North Durham VV8F Basin <br />-.Tbe Eno Oo1b*D which im located iu the Eno Basin <br />� <br />-IbeB%lmrbeCzomk Outfall, which is located iu the North Durham Basin � <br />'} <br />� <br />South Durham WRRBujbu <br />-TboMudCreok Outfall, which io located hzthe Farrington Basin � <br />For the purposes nf this report, the three potential discharge locations will bm referred toas the Eno � <br />' <br />ze OMmh <br />� <br />