Agenda - 12-01-2014 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-01-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 12-01-2014 - 7a
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Last modified
6/8/2015 3:39:48 PM
Creation date
11/26/2014 8:38:56 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes 12-01-2014
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2014
RES-2014-084 Resolution of the Orange County Board of Commissioners Agreeing to an Extension of the Town of Chapel Hill's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2014
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M <br />7767; at the westernmost boundary of parcel 9870 -35 -7767 proceeding south along the parcel's <br />westernmost boundary to a point intersecting with centerline of Rogers Road, proceeding <br />southeasterly along the centerline of Rogers Road to a point intersecting with Homestead Road; <br />then proceeding westward along centerline of Homestead Road to the intersection with High <br />School Road; then proceeding eastward along the southern edge of the High School Road right - <br />of -way to the easternmost boundary of parcel 9779 -59- 7804.002 proceeding northward along the <br />parcel's easternmost boundary then proceeding northward along the easternmost boundaries of <br />parcels 9870 -50 -6072 and 9870 -50 -6280 then proceeding along the southernmost and <br />easternmost boundary of parcel 9870 -50 -7493 then proceeding along the easternmost boundary <br />of parcel 9870 -60 -0533 to a point intersecting the southernmost boundary of parcel 9870 -60- <br />9427 proceeding to a point on western edge of the Seawell School Road right -of -way then <br />proceeding to following Seawell School Road right -of -way northward the intersection with <br />Homestead Road then proceeding eastward on not edge of the Homestead Road right - <br />of -way to a point intersecting with the railroad tracks then proceeding to following the <br />westernmost edge of the railroad right -of -way generally northward until intersecting with <br />southernmost boundary of parcel 9870 -94 -9449 and crossing perpendicular to the railroad to the <br />easternmost edge of the railroad right -of -way then traveling northward along the easternmost <br />edge of the railroad right -of -way to a point intersecting with northernmost edge of parcel 9870- <br />95 -2979 then proceeding westward to the easternmost boundary of parcel 9870 -77 -6296 <br />proceeding northward along the easternmost boundary of the parcel to a point intersecting with <br />the northernmost edge of the Eubanks Road right -of -way then proceeding heading generally <br />easterly along the Eubanks Road right -of -way to a point intersecting the easternmost boundary of <br />parcel 9870 -88 -3323 then traveling northward along the parcel's easternmost boundary to a point <br />intersecting with southernmost boundary of parcel 9870 -99 -0117 then proceeding along the <br />southernmost boundaries of parcels 9870 -99 -0117 and 9870 -99 -7083 to meet a point and place <br />of beginning containing 916.60 acres more or less. <br />
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