Orange County NC Website
13 <br />SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Please complete this section for general <br />information about your farm. <br />1. How long have you owned and your farm? 1-2 years <br />2. How long have you lived on your farm? years <br />3. How many acres on your farm are under cultivation? 0--;� 5 acres (estimated) <br />4. What are the major crops you plant each year? / <br />t�1-11 <br />6. How many acres on your farm are used for pasture? � acres (estimated) <br />7. How many acres on your farm are used for woodland /forestry? J -')--'acres (est.) <br />For questions or more information, please contact: <br />Gail M. Hughes <br />Orange County Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation <br />Soil and Water Conservation Division <br />P.O. Box 8181 (306 Revere Road) <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />(919) 245 -2753 (Office) <br />(919) 644 -3351 (fax) <br />ghughes(a-) <br />For more detailed information about the Voluntary Farmland Program: <br />Please refer to the Orange County Voluntary Farmland Preservation Program Ordinance, which <br />can be found in Chapter 48 of the Orange County Code of Ordinances, at the following link: <br />1-ittp:// library. municode .com /index.aspx ?clientld =14983 or staff can provide a copy for you. <br />Updated July 2013. <br />