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��18 ail <br /> RES-2014-073 <br /> REVISED Attachments—Item 4-b <br /> November 18,2014 BOCC Meeting <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> RESOLUTION OF DECLARATION ON CLIMATE CHANGE <br /> WHEREAS, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, representing <br /> over 2,500 climate scientists and twenty years of research, has concluded that global <br /> warming caused by human emission of greenhouse gases is among the most significant <br /> problems facing the world today; and <br /> WHEREAS, projected impacts of global warming will likely include changing patterns of <br /> habitats for disease-carrying insects; changes in rain and snowfall patterns, affecting water <br /> supplies, agriculture, and the frequency of flooding; changes in natural habitats that will <br /> eliminate some species and introduce new ones; and <br /> WHEREAS, state, regional and local governments throughout the United States are adopting <br /> emission reduction targets and programs and that this leadership is bipartisan and coming <br /> from governors, county officials, and mayors alike; and <br /> WHEREAS, many counties throughout the nation, large and small, are reducing the <br /> production of global warming pollutants through programs that provide economic and quality <br /> of life benefits, such as reduced energy bills, green space preservation, air quality <br /> improvements, reduced traffic congestion, improved transportation choices, and economic <br /> development and job creation through energy conservation/new energy technologies; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County is undertaking policies, programs and activities to save energy <br /> and reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and <br /> WHEREAS, these policies, programs and activities save energy and money, conserve <br /> natural resources, and promote sustainable land use and transportation planning in the <br /> community; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County government will serve as a model for the community by taking <br /> appropriate actions, including those listed in the attachment to this resolution; and <br /> WHEREAS, cities and counties statewide are leading by example by adopting innovative <br /> sustainability programs and policies, including working with community residents, business <br /> groups and others; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County will recommend actions that Orange County residents and <br /> businesses can take, including the ten actions listed in the attachment to this resolution; and <br /> WHEREAS, Orange County wishes to expand these activities, share its experiences with <br /> other communities, and be recognized for its accomplishments; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> does hereby recognize the critical nature of global warming and climate change, and <br /> cognizant of the actions being taken by local, state, and federal governments and other <br />