Orange County NC Website
Feasibility Report Action Items Entity Target <br /> Date <br />1. Formally allocate the former Orange Enterprises building for Orange County Feb. 15, <br />development of a regional value-added food and agricultural Board of 2008 <br />processing facility Commissioners <br />Part of Draft Resolution <br />2. Pass resolutions for formal commitments to project Alamance, Feb. 15, <br />participation by county commissions in Alamance, Chatham, Chatham, 2008 <br />Durham, and Orange counties Durham, & <br /> Orange <br />Part of Draft Resolution Commissions <br />3. Pursue initial grant funding to secure the services of the Alamance, Feb. 15, <br />lead project developer Chatham, 2008 <br /> Durham, & <br />Currently Underway Orange <br /> Commissions & <br /> Staff <br />4. Contract with the lead project developer for services Orange County Apr. 2008 <br /> to act as fiscal <br />5. Continue pursuing grant funds necessary to complete facility agent for project Now <br />renovations and equipment acquisition and installation until a non-profit through <br /> management Jan. 2010 <br />6. Upon securing facility renovation funds, hire an architect to entity is formed Sep. 2008 <br />develop blueprints and oversee bidding for construction <br />services from a general contractor <br />7. Working with county commissions and the community Project Oct. 2008 <br />advisory committee develop plans for creation of a nonprofit Developer and to Jan <br />management entity to own and oversee operations of the Advisory Group / 2009 <br />project Non-Profit <br /> Management <br />8. File articles of incorporation and approve board members Entity Jan. to <br />and bylaws for the management entity Mar. 2009 <br />9. Oversee the bid process and contract award for a general Jul. 2008 <br />contractor to undertake facility renovations and through <br />improvements Jan. 2010 <br />10. Acquire phase one equipment needed for opening Jul. to Dec. <br /> 2009 <br />11. Establish a $1/yr lease agreement for the facility between Orange County Jul. to Dec. <br />the county and the management entity, active upon 2009 <br />securing the certificate of occupancy or on opening for <br />business <br />12. Secure start-up funds for hiring an executive director of the Jan. to <br />management entity Apr. 2009 <br />13. Hire an executive director between 3 and 6 months before Jul. to Oct <br />the facility is open for business 2009 <br />CENTER OPENS FOR BUSINESS Jan. 2010 <br />40