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Commissioner Rich said it is important to include the school boards in this educational <br /> process. She said she can see this texting being abused if people don't understand what a <br /> 911 call is. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if every county fully funds their 911 centers. <br /> Jim Groves said he does not know that answer, but he can research this. <br /> Chair Jacobs questioned whether towns participate in the funding. He said he does not <br /> think every County takes on the full funding responsibility, and he wonders if counties that <br /> include a municipality share the funding responsibility. <br /> Commissioner porosin asked if this is related to the radios and the communication <br /> issues the Board heard about last week. <br /> Jim Groves said these systems are separate. <br /> Commissioner porosin asked for clarification on the costs to the County versus the cost <br /> born by the 911 Emergency Telephone Fund. <br /> Jim Groves said all of this funding comes out of the 911 Emergency Telephone Fund. <br /> Clarence Grier said the emergency 911 fund currently contains approximately <br /> $1,126,000, and this is part of the total budget, but it is not part of the general funds budget. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if this fund gets replenished every year. <br /> Clarence Grier said yes, it is typically replenished about $500,000 per year. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier for <br /> the Board to approve the purchase of the Next Generation 9-1-1 Solution to provide a service <br /> that is integrated, operated and maintained to the public safety class standards demanded of a <br /> life-critical application and authorize the Manager to sign all contracts, agreements, change <br /> orders and renewals. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> b. Southern Oranqe County Government Services Campus Special Use Permit) <br /> The Board considered authorizing the Chair to execute the Special Use Permit <br /> governing the Southern Orange County Government Services Campus issued by the Town of <br /> Chapel Hill. <br /> Jeff Thompson said the master plan is included in the agenda packet. He reviewed the <br /> following information from the abstract: <br /> In June of this year Chapel Hill Town Council voted unanimously to approve Orange County's <br /> SUP for a master plan for the Southern Orange County Government Services Campus. <br /> Background: On October 16, 2012 the Board of County Commissioners approved a <br /> Master Plan (Attachment 1, "Approved Master Plan") regarding the Southern Orange County <br /> Government Services Campus and authorized the Manager to submit a Special Use Permit <br /> ("SUP") application to the Town of Chapel Hill to govern development on the County's property <br /> over a 25 year period. This SUP allows future development to follow the Board's intent within <br /> the approved Master Plan without multiple additional SUP approvals as future building projects <br /> are contemplated and built. The master plan and SUP application process was facilitated by <br /> Clarion Associates of Chapel Hill, NC. <br /> On June 23, 2014 the Town Council of Chapel Hill voted unanimously to approve the Special <br /> Use Permit (Attachment 2, "Chapel Hill Special Use Permit"). The SUP has been executed by <br />