Orange County NC Website
Attachment B 12 <br />Chronological Summary for the <br />2001 Orange County Capital Needs Advisory Task Force <br />and 2001 Bond Education Committee <br />The 2001 Orange County Capital Needs Advisory Task Force was established in late <br />2000 and the early months of 2001. Members of the Task Force were appointed by the <br />Board of Commissioners over three meetings in January and February 2001. <br />The Task Force consisted of 24 members and 4 alternates, and the Task Force <br />meetings generally included assistance from ten (10) County staff members as well as <br />the Superintendents and other staff from both school systems. <br />The Task Force's work was also aided by the work of two facilitators to help the group <br />discussion and ensure the group met the goals established by the Board of <br />Commissioners. <br />The Task Force first met on March 14, 2001 in the Media Center at A.L Stanback <br />Middle School. This was followed by meetings on March 28 and April 4 at the Southern <br />Human Services Center. The group met again on April 18 at the Homestead <br />Community Center. This was followed by additional meetings on April 25, May 2, May <br />9, May 16, and May 30 at the Southern Human Services Center. <br />The Task Force met a total of nine (9) times. <br />Staff developed a final report, which was initially reviewed by the Task Force Co- Chairs <br />(Leo Allison and Lisa Stuckey), and then provided to all members for comments. <br />The Task Force's recommendations were subsequently provided to the Board of <br />Commissioners, and on June 25, 2001, the Board approved a Notice of Intent to Pursue <br />a Bond Referendum on November 6, 2001. <br />At the same June 25th meeting, the Board approved a resolution of intent to create a <br />Bond Education Steering Committee and a proposed charge and structure for the <br />Committee. <br />At its August 14, 2001 work session, the Board introduced the bond orders and <br />scheduled a public hearing on the proposed bond referendum for August 27, 2001. <br />At its August 21, 2001 meeting, the Board approved appointments to the Bond <br />Education Steering Committee. <br />