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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: February 19, 2008 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. 3 - 0- <br />SUBJECT: Presentation of 2007 Community Health Assessment Results <br />DEPARTMENT: Health PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />Executive Summary and CD with full <br />Community Assessment <br />(To be Provided Under Separate <br />Cover at the Meeting) <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Rosemary Summers, 245-2411 <br />Bobbie Jo Munson, 968-2022 <br />PURPOSE: To present the results of the 2007 Community Health Assessment to the Board of <br />Commissioners. <br />BACKGROUND: The Health Department is charged with conducting a comprehensive <br />community health assessment every, four years. A comprehensive community health <br />assessment must include primary and secondary data collection, a thorough analysis process, a <br />process for community selection of priorities to be addressed, and the formation of action plans <br />to address selected priorities over the upcoming four years. 2007 was Orange County's <br />comprehensive assessment year. Along with Health Department staff and the Board of Health, <br />the Healthy Carolinians Council of Orange County once again took a leadership role in ensuring <br />that there was widespread community involvement in data gathering, analysis, priority setting, <br />and writing of the assessment document. More than 50 agencies and over 200 community <br />members were either interviewed or provided substantial involvement in the process. <br />There are areas of celebration and areas of concern for County. This will provide an opportunity <br />to present these findings to the Commissioners and to the broader community. <br />The five priorities chosen by the community for focus over the next four years include in order of <br />priority: <br />. • Access to health care and health insurance <br />• Health promotion <br />• Mental health and substance abuse <br />• Physical activity and nutrition <br />• Transportation <br />There is opportunity for community members to become involved in fashioning appropriate <br />responses and plans to improve these priorities through committees set up by Healthy