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K <br />After the public hearing, the master plan was conveyed to several advisory boards for review <br />and comment. Three boards received presentations on the plan and provided comment, which <br />was shared with the Parks and Recreation Council (PRC) on October 1. The Board of <br />Commissioners also identified a number of topics and questions at the June public hearing. <br />These topics, the plan recommendations and issues for further study are addressed in the <br />attached Supplemental Report, which serves as a follow -up document to address these issues <br />raised. <br />The Supplemental Report covers the following topical areas from the plan and the Board's June <br />3 discussion: <br />• Prioritizing planned parks and recreation facilities <br />• Plans to address "Recommendations" and "Issues for Further Study" <br />• Additional Community Outreach <br />• Schedule for Completing Future Park Concept Plans <br />• The County portion of the Greene Tract; Coordination with Hillsborough on baseball <br />fields, and potential for trail network and connectivity <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associated with adoption of the Master Plan. <br />Funding decisions for future capital investments and facilities addressed in the plan would occur <br />through the existing budget and Capital Investment Plan (CIP) processes. The plan's identified <br />capital investments for parks and recreation facilities are consistent with the adopted CIP, with <br />the exception of some future renovations, repairs and replacement costs, a portion of which are <br />in the current CIP. The remainder of the projects would be proposed in the upcoming CIP, and <br />evaluated and considered as part of future CIP and budget approval processes each year. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board review the Master Plan <br />and supplemental report, and after providing any needed feedback, revision or direction, adopt <br />the Orange County Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2030, with future actions consistent with <br />the plan to be brought back to the Board for action according to funding and park planning <br />timetables. <br />