Orange County NC Website
Funding: <br />Currently, there is approximately $83,000.00 in IT BOCC Reserve capital account. If approved in the <br />coming year's CIP budget, Information Technologies has budgeted $50,000.00 for SHSC audio visual <br />upgrades in its capital account and anticipates another $50,000.00 to be added to the BOCC Reserve <br />account. This totals $183,000.00 of available funds that can be utilized to both affect the repairs of the <br />failed equipment and to replace the aging equipment at the SHSC location in order to bring it up to <br />modern standards. <br />Existing unds....BOCC..Reserve ......... <br />g... y - -..... _.. _... _ ..... _......... .... $.83;000:00 <br />Fiscal Year 2014 -15 requested funds (A /V Upgrades + BOCC Reserve) $100,000.00 <br />