Orange County NC Website
t <br />funds. The FY 2014 -15 CIP funds were comprised of $50,000 in BOCC Reserve funds <br />and $50,000 budgeted in the A/V Upgrade account. Normally, direct appropriations are <br />not made from Reserve fund accounts, so this technical amendment provides for the <br />budgetary transfer of $80,000 in carryover available BOCC Reserve funds and $50,000 <br />in BOCC Reserve funds from FY 2014 -15, for a total of $130,000 from the BOCC <br />Reserve account to the A/V Upgrade account within the Information Technology Capital <br />Project. The overall project budget remains the same with this transfer of budgeted funds <br />between these two capital project accounts. <br />Health Department <br />7. The Health Department has received revenue notification for the following programs: <br />• Rural Cancer Prevention Center Research Project — The Health Department <br />received notification of additional revenues of $667 as an incentive payment for <br />participation in the University of Kentucky's Rural Cancer Prevention Center <br />Research Project. The additional funding will be used for community outreach <br />projects. <br />• Community Care of North Carolina — The North Carolina Department of Health <br />and Human Services has paid "true up" money to CCNC, CCNC networks, and <br />local health departments to account for the fact that system enrollment capabilities <br />were unavailable over the past year. This is an attempt to estimate and pay <br />networks and local health departments what they would have received if they had <br />actual enrollment changes in FY14. The Orange County Health Department <br />received a payment of $7,248. <br />• STD Prevention — The Health Department received notification of additional state <br />funding for sexually transmitted disease (STD) prevention programs. Orange <br />County's Health Department has received additional revenues of $1,000 which will <br />be used to purchase pharmacy supplies. <br />• Healthy Communities Program — The Health Department received notification of <br />additional state funding for the Healthy Communities Program. Orange County's <br />Health Department has received additional revenues of $9,763. (See Attachment <br />1, column 5) <br />This budget amendment provides for the receipt of these additional funds (See <br />Attachment 1, column 5) <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Financial impacts are included in the background information above. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board approve budget ordinance <br />amendments for fiscal year 2014 -15. <br />