Orange County NC Website
22 <br />Approved 11/5/14 <br />Tony Blake: I was thinking more within a certain minimum distance from the project start and a maximum as well. <br />Lisa Stuckey: Are you worried they'll do it like 60 days out? <br />Tony Blake: Yea, or six months and by then everybody has forgotten or then all of a sudden everybody says, I <br />remember but it was too long ago. <br />Michael Harvey: Let me try to address that point. Applications are typically submitted currently 60 days to 70 days <br />before a public hearing, depending on what public hearing. Class A is County Commissioners, four quarterly public <br />hearing and Class B is Board of Adjustment. So you have a window usually of 50 to 60 days before public hearing <br />when application becomes submitted, it is then scheduled for a public hearing. We basically have a five day window <br />according to our ordinance to ascertain whether or not the application is complete and either reject it or accept it and <br />then submit it for review. Essentially how this process is going to work now is basically once we determine the <br />application is viable, meaning all components have been submitted and its complete, we are submitting it for peer <br />review, not only to internal county departments but external planning partners. The Department of Transportation is <br />a key example. We then have to send out notices advertising the meeting because of the timeline and the window <br />before the public hearing so basically you're getting a letter from the planning department 14 day minimum before the <br />neighborhood meeting. That's when we have to send it out as the ordinance is currently proposed. The <br />neighborhood meeting has to be held 45 days prior to the public hearing is scheduled. So it is conceivable if an <br />applicant asks to withdraw from one hearing or postpone to a hearing they would have to then also potentially have a <br />second neighborhood meeting if the first one isn't held. I don't think you're going to go 6, 8 months or a year with <br />people having a gap between the neighborhood meeting to a public hearing. With the amount of money involved. I <br />understand what you are saying but I think we're better served by an ordinance amendment that says this has to <br />happen a minimum of days before the hearing which then gives everybody sufficient time to prepare for the hearing. <br />MOTION by Laura Nicholson to recommend approval of the UDO text amendments. Seconded by James Lea. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />MOTION by Bryant Warren to approve the statement of consistency. Seconded by Lisa Stuckey. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />