Agenda - 11-18-2014 - 5b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-18-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-18-2014 - 5b
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Last modified
6/8/2015 3:25:19 PM
Creation date
11/17/2014 10:07:24 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes 11-18-2014
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2014
ORD-2014-043 Ordinance Approving Proposed Zoning Text Amendments Requiring Neighborhood Information Meetings for All Special Use Permit Applications
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2014
RES-2014-074 Resolution Concerning Statement of Consistency of a Proposed Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Text Amendment with the Adopted Orange County 2030 Comprehensive Plan
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2014
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16 <br />He referred to the monthly report received by the Board listing applications in the <br />planning queue. He suggested that this information, including the past 3 months of applications, <br />could be made available on the website for the public to view. He said this addresses the <br />criticism by giving more transparency and balancing the rights of the developers and the <br />community. He asked if this is feasible. <br />Michael Harvey said this would not be a difficult request to accommodate. <br />Commissioner Rich agreed with Commissioner Dorosin's idea. She said this is <br />something being talked about in the strategic communication plan. She said this is an example <br />of using a tool to help people get information. She said the there may be a lot of questions, but <br />the opportunity for the community to know what is going on is very valuable. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked for clarification on the timeframe required for the meetings <br />for major subdivisions. <br />Michael Harvey said major subdivisions require a meeting before the Planning Board <br />reviews a concept plan application. He said the neighborhood meeting covers the concept plan <br />review. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked about the timing for conditional use and conditional zoning <br />and whether 30 days would factor into that. <br />Michael Harvey said this would factor into the conditional use, but the conditional zoning <br />is currently two weeks, and it will stay that way in the current ordinance. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked what would need to be done to change the conditional <br />zoning to the longer time period. <br />Michael Harvey said staff has recommended that there is no need to change this, given <br />the fact that this is a legislative item and does not require expert testimony. <br />Commissioner Gordon said she thinks that this two week time period for conditional <br />zoning is a mistake, because these can be more problematic than conditional use. She said <br />this is true even though conditional re- zoning does not have a special use permit process. <br />Michael Harvey said this is one of the reasons that the timeline was not expanded and <br />that he did not agree that conditional zoning was more problematic given the lack of requiring <br />expert testimony as with all quasi judicial cases. <br />Commissioner Gordon said the conditional re- zoning requires some negotiating between <br />the applicant and the County, and a lot of it is up to the Commissioners to approve. She said <br />some of the standards for uses permitted under the conditional zoning process are similar to <br />those for uses permitted under the Class B special use permit process. She said it is her <br />opinion that the range of negotiation and need for public knowledge is the same. <br />Michael Harvey said conditional use involves a special use permit and will have to meet <br />the 30 day meeting requirement. <br />
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