Agenda - 11-18-2014 - 4a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-18-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-18-2014 - 4a
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/8/2015 3:25:23 PM
Creation date
11/17/2014 10:04:31 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes 11-18-2014
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2014
Proclamation proclaiming November 2014 as Orange Congregations in Missions Month (OCIM)
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Proclamations\2010-2019\2014
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K <br />Orange County government will serve as a model for the community by taking the following <br />actions (many of which have already been implemented): <br />1. Switch to compact fluorescent, full spectrum compact fluorescent, and LED light bulbs <br />in county government offices and site lighting; <br />2. Instruct County staff to turn off all lights, computers, and other devices when leaving <br />for the day; <br />3. Reduce individual travel and encourage telecommuting and teleconferencing <br />whenever possible for county business; <br />4. Make composting bins available to county residents at wholesale prices; <br />5. Set up a county web page on climate change that serves as an information resource <br />with a link to Orange County Conservation District; <br />6. Use biodiesel in county government diesel vehicles, as it becomes practical, with the <br />goal of using B20 or greater biodiesel in all county diesel vehicles by 2020; <br />7. Switch to more fuel- efficient vehicles, such as hybrid vehicles, when appropriate, in <br />new county fleet purchases targeting a combined fleet -wide average of 36 mpg by <br />201X; <br />8. Incorporate more flexfuel mixtures in County vehicles; <br />9. Actively reduce idling in operating all County vehicles; <br />10. Provide more trails, bikeways and improved roadway shoulders for walking and biking- <br />- provide more bicycle parking throughout the county; <br />11. Continue to employe a green building program for Orange County, currently <br />represented by the Triangle J High Performance Building Standards; <br />12. Require all county departments to buy recycled products, when possible, including <br />paper products that use at least 30% recycled content; <br />13. Evaluate, strengthen and enforce tree and vegetation protection ordinances; <br />14. Support bus service throughout Orange County, as well as rideshare programs; <br />15. Create an inventory of both county government operational and county geographical <br />greenhouse gas emissions. Set a target of greenhouse gas emissions reductions after <br />inventory data are available; <br />16. Continue to reduce utility, water and fuel use throughout County operations, as goaled <br />and measured through the Energy Scorecard program; <br />17. Require solid waste facilities countywide to handle and provide for full recycling, <br />composting, and reuse centers; <br />18. Recycle all recyclable products in all county buildings and facilities; <br />19. Purchase only non - Styrofoam containers for all county facilities and county activities; <br />Here are ten actions that Orange County residents and businesses can take- <br />1 . Know your carbon footprint in order to understand your energy use habits; <br />2. Reduce energy use by switching to compact fluorescent and LED light bulbs that can <br />be disposed at the hazardous waste disposal sites; <br />3. Reduce energy use by driving and idling less- - walk, bike, carpool, rideshare, drive at <br />a slower rate of speed, and utilize more fuel efficient vehicles; <br />4. Reduce energy use by buying local produce /food products and other market products, <br />avoiding products shipped long distances, and use canvas bags for shopping; <br />5. Reduce energy use by turning off all electrical equipment and lights when not in use; <br />6. Reduce energy use by improving home energy efficiency and buying Energy Star <br />appliances; <br />7. Recue energy use by turning down water heater thermostats to 120 degrees: <br />8. Recycle all newsprint, cardboard, glass, metal, and plastic; <br />
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