Orange County NC Website
. 7 <br /> Attachment B <br /> organization name <br /> Orange County Human Service Coordinating Council <br /> Human Service Providers Working Together <br /> April 1995 Questionnaire <br /> The activities listed below describe some of the ways organizations often collaborate to increase <br /> their effectiveness and client responsiveness. Please share how your organization works with others. <br /> 1. Check(✓) the activities on the list below that your organization participates in currently. <br /> 2. Review your checked activities and star(*) all that your organization finds most valuable. <br /> 3. Use blank spaces to note other relevant activities of your organization. <br /> Program/Service Delivery: <br /> Joint program planning, implementation and/or evaluation(meetings,joint reports etc.) <br /> Development of uniform system for paperwork between programs or agencies (common forms) <br /> Co-locating services (two or more programs sharing space or field offices) <br /> Interagency case management teams or joint intake/assessment decisions <br /> Other: <br /> Information/Referral: <br /> Contributions to community I&R guides and/or needs assessments <br /> Participation in community taskforces/committees or boards <br /> Referral of potential clients among agencies <br /> Other: <br /> Administration: <br /> Shared staff positions or inter-agency loan of staff <br /> Participation in"cooperatives" for certain services (accounting, employee benefit programs) <br /> that you could not provide alone <br /> Joint funding drives <br /> Joint staff development/training <br /> Joint grant proposal writing and/or Memorandums of Understanding, Contracts etc. <br /> Participate in coalitions to advocate for common goals <br /> Other: <br /> ************************************************************************** <br /> How does your organization define"Collaboration"? <br /> Is this definition: _formal(written in organizational documents)Qr_informal(shared verbally) <br /> Optional: please share a specific example of collaboration with your organization on back. <br /> Please return by*** May 9th *** to: <br /> Jan Schopler,(Fax#962-0980)4E UNC School of Social Work 233 E.Franklin St.CB#3550,Chapel Hill,NC 27599-3550 <br />