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4 <br /> activity which are considered collaboration. Hence, the need for a Community <br /> Definition which can be used by all players. <br /> One major activity of the PROJECT therefore has been to establish a Working <br /> Definition of Collaboration. This effort has been through the Orange County Human <br /> Services Coordinating Council (HSCC). Fifty-seven (57) agencies were surveyed. <br /> Survey response information is currently being analyzed and a Definition will be <br /> prepared for adoption by HSCC in June/July 1995. Preliminary findings suggest that <br /> many types of collaborative relationships are currently in place among human service <br /> professionals and program personnel at the line staff level. These collaborative activities <br /> are taking place more at the information sharing and rp ogtani levels than at the <br /> administrative level. This is an important finding since most community perceptions of <br /> collaborative or noncollaborative organizational activities are made at the administrative <br /> (Board Member/Director) level. Often the community is unaware of collaborative <br /> activities at the line staff level (see Attachment B). <br /> 2. Identifying Describing and Highlighting Successful Collaborative Structures <br /> As a product of research on examples of collaboration in Orange County and <br /> elsewhere, the following communication tools have been developed and are currently <br /> being shared with the human service and business sectors. <br /> 1. Presentation (in overhead format) describing examples of current successful <br /> collaborative work among both public and private agencies. <br /> 2. Information packet describing practices of collaboration to be used as a resource for <br /> local collaborative efforts. <br /> 3. Exploring Opportunities and Mechanisms for Enhancing Collaboration <br /> A re-occurring theme (since 1988) has addressed how to improve coordination <br /> among human services. Recommendations by various community task forces have <br /> 2 <br />