Orange County NC Website
JUN-01-1995 13:42 FROM ORANGE CTY COMMISSIOtERS TO 3002 P.02/08 <br /> D � C 2 <br /> 8 PUBLIC KNOOL <br /> _ 8 <br /> Pluming Director Marvin Coll presented for receipt of <br /> Public comments a proposed increase n the public school impact <br /> fee from $750 to $2,500. He noted t the $1,500 fee is based on <br /> the calculation of the maximum allow le fees which the County can <br /> charge for public school capital .ne The maximum allowable fee <br /> as verified in the updated Technical sport, was approximately <br /> $1,900 in both school districts. He xplained how the maximum <br /> allowable fee was calculated and whi variables were used as a <br /> basis for the calculation. He noted hat in late summer or early <br /> fall a new Technical Report will be ' esented using the latest <br /> information they can get. This will' elude a sliding scale for <br /> fees based an different factors, lik bedrooms, type of structure, <br /> cost of construction or square foots . In answer to a question <br /> from the audience, Mr. Collins said ' at the tax base does not <br /> factor into the calculation of impal fees except when giving <br /> credits. <br /> PUBLYC doffs <br /> NANCY SALMON spoke in support of the increase in public <br /> school impact fees. She asked thatItte Planning Department use <br /> representative data and values for parameters in their <br /> calculations of the financial impact f new construction. She <br /> hopes that the research being done s summer will not only be <br /> used for establishing a basis for th sliding scale but to more <br /> accurately assess the true impact of ew construction in the <br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro School District. <br /> DAVID C. HURLBERT spoke against a impact fee and for <br /> alternative financing methods such a bonds and other traditional <br /> means of funding schools. He feels are is a disparity of the <br /> impact of impact fees on a class of ople attempting the achieve <br /> the American dream of owning a home. He said that a person buying <br /> a $75,000 house is paying a 10% tax sus a person buying a <br /> $300,000 house and pays a .5% tax. said that good public <br /> schools are a benefit to the entire ity, County, State and <br /> to the nation as a whole so the ity as a whole should bear <br /> these burdens. He does not feel the only new homeowners should <br /> be the ones paying for schools. He ked that the Board of County <br /> Commissioners do the right thing. is in favor of good schools <br /> but feels that he should not have to' y a fee when he builds his <br /> house since he has lived here all hi life. <br /> KU TOUW, Chair of the Chapel H 1-Carrboro School Board, <br /> spoke in support of the increase, H perspective is due to the <br /> fact that there are sore students in ch classroom and there is <br /> no room available for additional stu nts. He noted that <br /> construction costa have increased co iderably since the setting <br /> of the original impact fee. Also, Town of Chapel Hill sees <br /> the impact tax as an important reuse source for funding now <br /> schools. The best they can hope for rom developers is that they <br /> will donate some land and then the d elopers may want a decrease <br /> on the impact fee. He said that at $ ,500, a developer building <br /> I <br />