Orange County NC Website
JUN-01-1995 13:50 FROM ORANGE CTY COMMISSIONERS TO 3002 P.07/08 <br /> LN 7 13 <br /> DUBIE WASLBN supports the pro increase and asked that <br /> the Board of County Commissioners ap ve $1,500. She presented a <br /> petition with 57 signatures which r as follows: <br /> We, the undersigned, althoigh unable to attend the <br /> public hearing on May 25, 2995, urge the orange county <br /> Commissioners to: <br /> 1. increase the impact f on new residential <br /> construction to $1,500 immediately; <br /> 2. carry out a survey thi summer to establish <br /> representative student-generation ra s for new residences; and <br /> 3. establish an appropria sliding scale for impact <br /> fees as anon as possible thereafter, o incorporate local school <br /> construction standards and newly estaDlished student-generation <br /> rates. <br /> She feels it is not unfair to aic new residential growth to <br /> share the cost of the impact on the ools. She asked that the <br /> fee be increased to $1,500 for the C pel Hill-Carrboro District. <br /> she presented an article which expl how Atlanta plays the <br /> impact-fee game. The article says t t the fees have been a major <br /> way for then to do things they coul t have done otherwise. <br /> LEON NEYERS spoke against finan public education with an <br /> impact fee. He feels that public ed tion is part of government <br /> and benefits the entire community an should be funded by the <br /> entire community. He urged the Boar of County Commissioners to <br /> be honest and rational in their deci on on impact fees. He <br /> asked that the Board take advantage all the hard work done by <br /> the Planning Department and make the ight decision. <br /> PATRICK MULKEY spoke against th impact fee as it is <br /> currently designed. He will remain mint the impact fee until <br /> County spending is brought under con of including both school <br /> systems. He fools that increasing impact fee is the easy way <br /> out, cutting the budget and setting a money aside for future <br /> capital needs takes some action by Board of County <br /> Commissioners. He questioned which d the Board of County <br /> Commissioners will take. <br /> LISA WARREN is more against the ay that the fee is a flat <br /> fee. Her and her husband are looki into building a house and <br /> must reduce the size of the house be use of the impact fee. She <br /> feels that a lot of children are in entso. she asked that <br /> the Board of County Commissioners m the fee more fair and look <br /> at incwsmmes and other children in the ystem who are not included <br /> in the foe. <br /> SIN LLOYD feels, that orange Co should have enough money <br /> to do whatever it wants. In 1983, Economic Development <br /> Commission was created. However, tx ve years later there has not <br /> been a brick laid in the US70, 145 s thorn railway corridor. The <br /> plan should be to create some iadus al and economic growth in <br /> e <br />