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23 <br />development compatible with community standards and also streamlines the <br />approval process. <br />Financing <br />o In order to Finance this project the Town is using a combination of two - thirds <br />bonds and an installment financing secured by the Town Hall building. By <br />combining Ephesus Fordham public improvements with the Town Hall project, <br />the Town can efficiently use a tax increment financing approach, without going <br />through the additional cost and time involved with a statutory (Amendment One) <br />TIF. Although this approach is faster, less expensive and more flexible, it does <br />by -pass official County approval that would be needed for a statutory TIF. <br />Project Benefits <br />Recognizing that the benefits of the project will accrue both to the Town and the County and that <br />the Town and the County share many of the same interests with regard to the successful <br />completion of this project, we are seeking County support to solidify the public financial <br />underpinnings of the renewal process. <br />Using a TIF approach to financing, with the Town issuing the debt and taking the risk of any tax <br />increment shortfall, we feel there is opportunity for the County to support the project financially <br />using only a portion of tax revenues that, if not for the Town's public investment, would not <br />otherwise exist. <br />Suggested Approach to County Investment in Project <br />While the Town is committed to paying for the public improvements, regardless of the outcome <br />of the project, we believe that the County and Town have shared interests, described above, that <br />would best be served with a long -term partnership that recognizes both the rewards and costs <br />associated with an economic development project of this scale. <br />We understand the multiple demands on new tax dollars and the need to prioritize those demands <br />on an annual basis through the budget process. Therefore we are suggesting that the County <br />consider an approach to investment in the Ephesus Fordham project based on project <br />performance using criteria both the Town and the County agree on. The Town would provide an <br />annual Ephesus Fordham project performance report during the County's budget deliberations <br />that would include the following: <br />• Additions to the tax base <br />• Status of public improvements <br />• Status of private improvements, including progress toward meeting affordable housing, <br />energy efficiency and transportation goals <br />• Economic impact analysis <br />The first Ephesus Fordham performance report would be submitted during the first budget cycle <br />in which an actual tax increment from the project was expected in the next fiscal year. In other <br />words, we will not ask for funding until the tax benefits become measurable. <br />