Minutes 10-02-2014 Fire
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 10-02-2014 Fire
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11/24/2015 11:54:03 AM
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11/7/2014 7:47:47 AM
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■ In 14/15 CIP <br /> ■ Chapel Hill (co-location/co-build in 15/16 and 16/17) <br /> ■ In 14/15 CIP <br /> EMS Recommendations <br /> R-10 Obtain sites for development (not started) <br /> ■ Based on outcome of R-8 and R-11 <br /> R-11 Procure EMS planning and design services (not started) <br /> ■ Co-build with Chapel Hill and Hillsborough/Orange Rural <br /> ■ In 14/15 CIP for year two (2) and three (3) <br /> ■ Stand-alone EMS station in 14/15 CIP for year five (5) <br /> R-12 Advertise, bid, construct EMS facilities (not started) <br /> ■ Based on outcome of R-8, R-10 and R-11 <br /> Jim Groves said there are two primary move-up locations — Hampton Pointe, and Martin <br /> Luther King. <br /> He said a new technology will be implemented over the next year that will take a year's <br /> worth of call data as well as current calls and use this to predict where the next call will likely <br /> come from. <br /> Commissioner porosin asked clarifying questions about the call volumes on slide 4. <br /> Jim Groves said this number is not a reflection of the calls, but it is a reflection of when <br /> units are actually responding to a call. He said this number also includes EMS move-ups, <br /> which is when units are moved to a staging location in preparation for a potential call. He said <br /> these move-ups have been reduced. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked for an explanation of the effectiveness of having more <br /> Advanced Life Support (ALS) vehicles. <br /> Jim Groves said the goal is to stay at 13 ambulances, so when a new vehicle is ordered <br /> an older vehicle is sold to keep this number. He said there is little difference in the <br /> effectiveness of adding more units or replacing older units. . <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said this decision is based on the number of calls. <br /> Jim Groves said yes. He said this is gauged by a "unit hour utilization" analysis. <br /> Jim Groves reviewed the following PowerPoint slides: <br /> 9-1-1 Operations <br /> 9-1-1 Communications Statistics <br /> Call Comparison by Year <br /> ■ 2014 (year to date) <br /> ■ Incoming = 70,371 (year to date) <br /> ■ Project over 93,000 calls by the end of year <br /> ■ Average Dispatch Time = 1:33 <br /> ■ New NFPA 1221 Standard (July 2013) is 1:36 <br /> ■ 9-1-1 Call Answer Time = % answer time < 15 sec = 99.06% <br /> ■ New NFPA 1221 Standard (July 2013) is < 15 sec 95% <br /> ■ 2013 (Changed CAD from Logisys to SunGuard OneSolution in July 2013) <br /> ■ Incoming = 87,007 & Average Dispatch Time = 1:25 <br /> ■ 2012 (Logisys CAD) <br /> ■ Incoming = 83,476 & Average Dispatch Time = 1:52 <br /> 9-1-1 Recommendations <br />
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