Orange County NC Website
F <br /> 4 <br /> already exists with a proposed county-wide I&R system. The Orange County Public <br /> Library is responsible for the Information and Referral Guide for Orange County, also <br /> known as the "Orange Book". The "Orange Book" is used by service providers and <br /> other subscribers' to provide clients with agency and program information. The <br /> Department on Aging has a centralized information and referral service for older <br /> adults in Orange County. Although the Department on Aging's referral service <br /> targets the older adult population, many younger adults from different areas of the <br /> State use the referral service to obtain information for their parents. <br /> Recommendations for an I&R service in Orange County <br /> Based on the research conducted within Orange County and the information <br /> obtained from site visits and surveys, preliminary recommendations for an automated <br /> information and referral system (I&R) were formulated. The recommendations focus <br /> on five major questions: <br /> 1) Is automation of 1&R feasible from a technical standpoint? <br /> 2) Does money exist to develop an I&R system given the monetary and <br /> human resources in the County? <br /> 3) Do the unique needs of Orange County require that a software <br /> application either be specifically developed for the county or purchased <br /> and then customized to fit the county's needs? <br /> 4) Is the proposed work schedule and completion date for the I&R project <br /> acceptable? <br /> S) Has a developer, within the county or outside the county, been ident!fted <br /> and engaged? <br />