Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> Although most public and private non-profit agencies provide some <br /> form of information and referral, there is no uniform and <br /> formalized system in the county. This automated county-wide <br /> system would enhance the efficiency of service delivery in Orange <br /> County. It would be recommended to integrate current services <br /> with the proposed county-wide system. These current services <br /> include the Orange Book, which is maintained by the Orange County <br /> Public Library; and the information and referral services <br /> implemented by the Department on Aging, as well as other informal <br /> arrangements practiced among non-profit agencies. It is <br /> envisioned that access to this system would be available through <br /> service providers, the public" libraries of Orange County, Chapel <br /> Hill, and Carrboro, and via modems to the homes and offices of <br /> citizens. <br /> Informal discussions with representatives of Smart Start and the <br /> United Way of Greater Orange County have produced positive <br /> results. Both executive directors have expressed an interest in <br /> partnering with the County in this initiative. However, formal <br /> discussions with the Boards of Directors are currently being <br /> scheduled. <br /> The shared cost for project implementation includes $67,000 in <br /> start-up capital expenses. The County has $25,000 available in <br /> the CIP targeted for the automation of outside agencies. These <br /> funds can be used toward the initial capital expenditures; and <br /> Smart Start has also offered $50,000 towards the start-up <br /> expenses. <br /> Although there will be some costs associated with maintaining the <br /> automated I&R system, options for implementation are being <br /> r .- Fiewed and assessed. These options include incorporating the <br /> function into current county staff responsibilities, or <br /> contributions from the United Way and Smart Start. <br /> Because the United Way of Greater Orange County has a <br /> relationship with all community agencies, it is recommended that <br /> the County contract with them to serve as the administrator of <br /> this project. If approved, the United Way would provide <br /> supervision for I&R service in Orange County and the Human <br /> Services Coordinating Council would serve as the Advisory Board. <br /> RECOIMNDATION(S) : The Manager recommends that .the Board endorse <br /> the concept and continue to work with other agencies toward <br /> project implementation. <br />