Agenda - 05-16-1995 - V-B
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-16-95 Late
Agenda - 05-16-1995 - V-B
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Minutes - 19950516
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1995
RES-1995-021 Resolution Supporting the Preliminary Recommendations for a Regional Transit Plan
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\1990-1999\1995
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page 3 <br /> More Benefits... - - <br /> ►INCREASES CAPACITY Of 10 <br /> CONGESTED CORRIDORS <br /> In some roadway corridors, planned For some people, transit choices may /MAINTAINS QUALITY <br /> highway construction will enable traffic reap substantial savings of both time and OF LIFE <br /> to continue to move smoothly. How- money. Consider the case of a house- Many people have chosen to live in the <br /> ever,in many areas,after roadways have hold member who commutes from Ra- Triangle region for its quality of life. They <br /> been widened to eight or ten lanes, no leigh to Duke. By using the regional have left areas where growth and oppor- <br /> further options will exist to accommo- transit service,this person could reduce tunity were more limited because of op- <br /> date the growing flood of automobile the family's auto fleet by one car. Using pressive traffic congestion and uncon- <br /> traffic. By 2020, even with completion a monthly pass for regional rail, the trolled urban sprawl. For Fortune <br /> of all planned highway projects,ata cost family would be able to save $2,952 Magazine's 1993"Best Cities"article,the <br /> of more than $3 billion dollars, 29%of annually. researchers found that if the Triangle re- <br /> our peak hour travel will be bumper to gion does not improve its land use and <br /> bumper and stop and roll. ►BUILDS ON EXISTING transportation decisions,the region"runs <br /> Like other transit systems across America, INFRASTRUCTURE the risk of becoming Los Angeles with <br /> the regional transit system will provide Using the existing, underutilized rail seasons." By integrating our land use and <br /> alternative choices for travelers in con- lines makes good economic sense,es- transportation decisions, TTA's Regional <br /> gested corridors. In the proposed plan, pecially when the taxpayers already Transit Plan is a step toward preserving <br /> the regional rail system will provide a own seventy-five percent of the North and improving our future quality of life. <br /> time-competitive option for commuters Carolina Railroad. Options that re- PROMOTES GLOBAL <br /> who choose to leave their cars behind. quire new guideways, such as light <br /> In addition, fixed guideway transit pro- rail or HOV/Busway, would cost a COMPETITIVENESS <br /> vides the capability to expand capacity least $.5 billion more than the re- Triangle residents often remark about <br /> without the kind of disruption apaci y gional rail system. This large cost their travels to Europe or Japan, where <br /> without <br /> highway construction. As advantage more than justifies using they have found communities in which <br /> ated travel demand increases, regional rail's the existing infrastructure as the basis public transportation is an integral part <br /> capacity can increase simply by adding for the system. of the transportation system. As the <br /> Triangle grows,we must compete in the <br /> cars to a train. At maximum capacity— 'RA's proposed regional rail system is global marketplace. To remain com- <br /> three-car trains operating six minutes also flexible. Service can be extended petitive,the Triangle must have a world <br /> apart—the regional rail system can pro- wherever tracks exist and whenever a class transportation system that provides <br /> vide the passenger-carrying capacity of cooperative agreement with railroad real choices. just as we travel outside the <br /> a six-lane highway. can be negotiated. This means that United States and enjoy using superior <br /> virtually all of the region's small towns public transportation systems, we must <br /> ►PROVIDES ACCESS TO JOBS and outlying communities are included provide visitors to the Triangle with the <br /> AND EMPLOYEES in the Regional Transit Plan as pos- level of public transportation expected <br /> Employers and employees alike will ben- sible long-range rail extensions. in world-class regions. <br /> efit from regional transit. Employerswill <br /> be able to attract employees from a <br /> larger geographic area. They will also <br /> be able to benefit from lower develop- <br /> ment costs because fewer parking spaces <br /> will be required. <br /> Employees, especially low income and <br /> disadvantaged workers, will be able to <br /> broaden their opportunities. With the j", <br /> start of the regional bus system in 1993, <br /> job seekers have been able to travel <br /> across the Triangle in search of opportu- <br /> nities. But the cost in time can be -, <br /> substantial; a Durham to Raleigh ex- <br /> press bus ride takes 75 minutes. The <br /> same trip on regional rail will take only <br /> 44 minutes,nearly cutting the round trip <br /> commute in half. Self-propelled diesel rail vehicle-Regional Rail <br /> Spring 1995, Choices <br />
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