Orange County NC Website
20 <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />Natalie Ziemba <br />Volunteer Application <br />Orange County Advisory Boards and Commissions <br />Name: <br />Name Called: <br />Home Address: <br />Phone (Day): <br />Phone (Evening): <br />Phone (Cell): <br />Email: <br />Place of Employment: <br />Job Title: <br />Year of OC Residence: <br />Ms. Natalie Ziemba <br />303 Smith Level Road, Apt A11 <br />Chapel Hill NC 27516 <br />970 - 310 -4369 <br />nziemba <br />University of North Carolina <br />Research Assistant <br />2013 <br />Township of Residence: Chapel Hill <br />Zone of Residence: C.H. Twnshp; C.H.Cty.Lmts. <br />Sex: Female <br />Ethnic Background: Caucasian <br />Community Activities /Organizational Memberships: <br />Currently, I am in my first semester as a Master s in Social Work student at the University <br />of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. As part of my course requirements, I intern part -time with <br />the Adolescent Parenting Program in the Department of Social Services. I also participate <br />in weekly exercise groups including the Carrboro Fleet Feet running group, Trailheads <br />trail running group, and Carrboro /Chapel Hill obstacle course training group. <br />Occasionally, I meet up with other Returned Peace Corps Volunteers in the triangle area. <br />Past Service on Orange County Advisory Boards: <br />Boards /Commissions applied for: <br />Arts Commission <br />Background, education and experience relevant to this board: <br />Throughout my life, I have participated in various choral groups, and I actively played piano for <br />15 years. I also participated in several theatre groups and performances while in high school, <br />though did not continue my theatre participation in my undergraduate studies. The performing <br />arts are essential to a well- rounded education, and convey the beauty and despair of the human <br />condition. I would like to ensure that the arts remain an integral part of life and culture in Orange <br />County. <br />Reasons for wanting to serve on this board: <br />Conflict of Interest: <br />