<br />4q.- - - Formatted: Right: 0.25"
<br />camDensation (other than the payment ofnecessary expenses).
<br />Section k. Additional Duties: The,O~cel•s of the Authority shall perform such ,.••_"_~_
<br />other duties and functions as may from time to time be required by the oard or the
<br />Maws or rules and regulations of the Authority, __ -- -------------------------------------
<br />--------------- - - - ------------
<br />Section 7. Election or Appointment. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be ,.--•'"-
<br />elected by the Board at the annual meeting of the Authority from ,among, the ,..--~`-
<br />_ ..~~
<br />commissioners of the Authority, and shall hold office for one wear or until their
<br />successors are elected and qualified.
<br />Section~_ Vacancies. Should the offices of Chairman or Vice-Chairman become
<br />vacant, the oard shall elect, a successor from its mein, bership at the next regular meeting,__'•,,,
<br />and such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office. When the office of -'~., ~'~.,
<br />Secretary becomes vacant, the oard shall appoint a successor, as_aforesaid:_ ___ ~'•,,
<br />Section ~__ Additiona_l Personnel. The_ Authority, may from time to_time emplo-y _ _
<br />- --------------- - - - ---- - - - - -
<br />such personnel as it deems necessary to exercise its powers, duties, and functions as
<br />rescribed b the _ ousm Authorities Law of North, Carolina and all other laws of the ....--
<br />P Y ,~__..._._.g---------.~---------------........_..... - - - -------------._...._..---------...-
<br />State of North Carolina applicable thereto.>< _ _ _ _ _--
<br />.'•,
<br />~RTICLE_IV -MEETINGS ~' ~'
<br />Section 1. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Authority shall be held on `c
<br />the first regularly scheduled meeting in the month of January at the time and place of
<br />regular meetings, _ In the event such_date shall fall_on~ legal holiday, the annual meeting _ ~':~'
<br />shall be held on the next succeeding secular day.
<br />Section 2. Regular Meetings. Monthly meetings shall be held with, notice at they,; ~'•,
<br />regular meeting place of the (Orange County Affordable Housing Advisory Board on the '~;,-, '~,
<br />secon _Tuesda _of each month unless the same shall be a legal holiday, m_which event `~
<br />said meeting shall be held on the next succeeding secular day. ~'~,,,`'.,''.,
<br />Section 3. Special Meetings. The Chairman of the Authority may, when he or ''
<br />slle deems it expedient, and shall, upon the written request of two ~2,Zmembers of the
<br />.,,,,
<br />_oard,_call_a_special_meeting_of_the oard for thepurpose_of transacting any business, ~,~
<br />designated in the,~__ The call for a s~eclal meetmg_may be dehvered_to each_member of _ ;,, ~'i'
<br />the oard or may be_ mailed to the business or home address of each member of the ''•,';;~,, '
<br />_oard_at least,two_~days prior_to the date_of such special_meeting.__At such special '•;~'~,,'•;'•,
<br />meeting no business shall be considered other than as designated in the call, but if all of `~,`~,`'.,'~,,
<br />the members of the Board are present at a special meeting any and all business maw ~`
<br />transacted at such special meeting.
<br />. -- Deteted: ¶
<br />_ - Deleted: Board of County
<br />Commissioners,
<br />Deleted: 5
<br />Deleted: of&cers
<br />Deleted: Authority
<br />Deleted: b --.
<br />Deleted: 6
<br />Formatted: Font: Not Bold
<br />Deleted: ¶
<br />. The Secretary shall be appointed by the
<br />Authority. Any person appointed to fill
<br />the office of Secretary, or any vacancy
<br />therein, shall have such term ns the
<br />Authority fixes, but no commissioner of
<br />the Authority shall be eligible to this
<br />office except as a temporary appointee.¶
<br />Deleted: 7
<br />Deleted: Authority
<br />Deleted: Authority
<br />Deleted: s
<br />Deleted: Local
<br />Deleted: The selection and
<br />compensation of such personnel
<br />(including the Secretary) shall be
<br />determined by the Authority subject to
<br />the laws of the State of North Carolina.
<br />Formatted: Font: Not Bold
<br />Formatted: Justified
<br />Formatted
<br />Deleted: II
<br />Deleted: Monday in December at 10:00
<br />o'clock A.M. at the regular meeting
<br />place of the Authority
<br />Deleted: a Sunday or
<br />f Formatted: Justtfied
<br />Deleted: out
<br />Deleted: Authority
<br />Deleted: first
<br />Deleted: Monday
<br />Deleted: at 10:00 o'clock AM.
<br />Formatted: Font: Not Bold
<br />Deleted: Authority
<br />Deleted: Authority
<br />Deleted: cell
<br />Deleted: Audroriry
<br />Deleted: Authority
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