---- ------------}
<br />3'.- - ~ Formatted: Right:_0.25" - ___/
<br />Section 1. Officers. The officers of the Authority shall be a Chairman, a Vice-
<br />Chairman and a Secretary.
<br />Section 2. Chairman. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Authority.
<br />Except as otherwise authorized by resolution of the Authority, the Chairman shall sign all
<br />contracts, deeds and other instruments made by the Authority. At each meeting; the
<br />Chairman shall submit such recommendations and information as he or she may consider
<br />proper concerning the business, affairs, and policies of the Authority.
<br />Formatted
<br />Deleted: Absence
<br />Deleted: f
<br />Deleted: The Secretary shall be the
<br />Executive Director of the Authority and,
<br />as such, shall have general supervision
<br />over the administration of its business
<br />and affairs, subject to the direction of the
<br />Authority. He shall be charged with the
<br />management of the housing projects of
<br />the Authority,¶
<br />Section 3. Vice-Chairman. The Vice-Chairman shall perform the duties of the .;''~
<br />Chairman in the absence _o~ incapacity_ of_ the Chairman,__or_ upon_ delegation_ by__the ~' r`
<br />Chau•lnan.; and in case of the resignation, .removal or death of the Chairman, the Vice-
<br />Chairman shall perform such duties as are imposed on the Chairman until such time as
<br />the Authority shall select a new Chairman.
<br />Section 4. Secretary. The Executive Director of tlae Authority shall serve as
<br />Seeretaryy of the Board. The Secretary_shall keep_the records of the Authority, shall act as_ ;~ ';;',;"
<br />secretary of the meetings of the _ oard and_record_all votes, and shall keep a record_of the ;• ; ;- ;'
<br />proceedings of the _oard in_a_journal_ofproceedings to be_kept for such_purpose,_and ;.;~ ;'
<br />shall perform all duties incident to his office: tThe Secretary shall keep_m safe custody the_ ; ,,'
<br />seal of the Authority and shall have power to affix such seal to all contracts and
<br />instruments authorized to be executed by the Authority.
<br />The Secretary shall keep regular books of accounts showing receipts and ,'
<br />expenditures and shall render to the oar•d at each regular meeting (or often* when '' ;~..•
<br />requested), an account of,xhe Authorit 's transactions and also of the fmancral condrtron , •'•,
<br />of the Authority. ~ ....................................................................................................
<br />.~ .,
<br />,•, .,
<br />Andperson appointed to fill the office of Secretary, or any vacancy therer.n, shall t; ~,;•.;,,,,
<br />have such term as the Authority fixes. If the position of Executive Duector is vacant, the '+,'';'•,,`~, `
<br />Board may appoint a temporary appointee until such time as the Executive Director :~
<br />position l7as been filled. No commissioner of the Authority shall be eligible to this offce '
<br />except as a temporar~ppointee.
<br />Section 5. Executive Du•ector. The Executive Director of the Authority shall
<br />have General supervision over the administration of its business affairs, subject to the
<br />direction of the Authorit~,The Executive Director shall be charged with. th.e mana eG meat
<br />of the housingprojects of the Authority ~1'he Executive Director shall be appointed by .'•.,
<br />the Oran e County Mana 7er_ ` `
<br />Regarding the budGetinG and accounting systems of the Authority, the Orange `~
<br />County Board of County Commissioners shall adopt a resolution that provides that the
<br />budgeting and accounting systems of the county's hausing~autll.ority shall be an. i.nte ;r•al
<br />part of the bu.d~etinG and accounting systems of Orange County t;ovenlment. '
<br />Deleted: Authority
<br />Deleted: Authority
<br />Deleted: He
<br />Deleted: We shall have the care and
<br />custody of al( funds of the Authority and
<br />shall deposit the same in the name of the
<br />Authority in such bank or banks as the
<br />Authority may select. The Secretary shall
<br />sign all orders and checks for the
<br />payment of money and shall pay out and
<br />disburse such moneys under the direction
<br />of the Authority. Except as otherwise
<br />authorized by resolution of the Authority,
<br />all such orders and checks shall be
<br />countersigned by the Chairman. He
<br />Formatted: Font: Not Bold
<br />Formatted: Font: Not Bold
<br />Deleted: Authority
<br />Deleted:_er
<br />Deleted: his-----_......~....-----
<br />Formatted: Font: Not Bold
<br />Deleted: He shall give such bond for
<br />the faithful performances of his duties as
<br />the Authority may determine.
<br />Formatted: Font: Not Bold
<br />Deleted: ¶r,R~~~,_--.___..__.,.,.,,,,,__:.
<br />_ .P _.........._ .............-..
<br />Deleted: The com ensation of the
<br />Secretary shall be determined by the
<br />Authority, provided that a temporary
<br />appointee selected from among the
<br />commissioners of the Authority shall
<br />serve without compensation (other than
<br />the payment of necessary expenses).
<br />Formatted: Font: Not Bold
<br />Formatted: Font: Not Bold
<br />Deleted: Orange County Board of
<br />County Commissioners or the
<br />