Agenda - 11-06-2014 - 5c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-06-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-06-2014 - 5c
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Last modified
6/8/2015 3:04:56 PM
Creation date
11/6/2014 8:01:09 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 11-06-2014
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9 <br />II 1 <br />271 have, I understand that we stand up there and give testimony but if our power is limited to interpreting the UDO and <br />272 trying make whatever changes proposed fits within the UDO and it either does or it doesn't and staff is far more <br />273 versed in the UDO than I am. I find their recommendations are pretty bang on. All of what I have to say in a quasi - <br />274 judicial way is hearsay, right? <br />275 <br />276 Pete Hallenbeck: The role of the Planning Board is this oversight, are we meeting the requirements of the UDO. <br />277 Yes, you're right, but that's a level of detail you have to have. I would point out, though, that there's also a document <br />278 called the Comprehensive Plan. If the UDO is the rules, the left brain, the Comprehensive Plan is the heart and soul, <br />279 it's the right brain part of it. There are times when we've reviewed things and it's met all of the requirements but then <br />280 you'll find something in the Comprehensive Plan that's not right and I think it's not power per say but it's a very valid <br />281 role of the Board is to point this out. An example of that is the Comprehensive Plan encourages that all subdivisions <br />282 have sidewalks and yet every time we run into it there is no money for sidewalks and DOT doesn't want it. There is a <br />283 conflict there and we don't have power over that but we can certainly point it out and I think that's also true with <br />284 representing the areas you're from. <br />285 <br />286 Tony Blake: Yeah, but I don't find that to be quasi - judicial in essence. You can point it out in a quasi - judicial hearing <br />287 but it's not some... <br />288 <br />289 Pete Hallenbeck: Quasi - judicial is such a different beast because people get sworn in and there's testimony. It really <br />290 changes the game a lot and our role in quasi - judicial is very strict. <br />291 <br />292 Lisa Stuckey: We're supposed to be the judge in a quasi - judicial, aren't we? <br />293 <br />294 James Bryan: In quasi judicial, it's the governing board- the deciding body that is the judge. From a legal <br />295 perspective, for planning boards' involvement, it's dangerous. Especially, how we have it where you close the public <br />296 hearing and then you have the statements. I think that's right before appeal, for a number of reasons, I don't know if <br />297 the Board really wants to get into all of that but my recommendation would be that because of all of the legal <br />298 concerns with all that let one board handle it, the Board of Adjustment, that's all they do and then you also have a <br />299 corollary to that because when the public goes to these meetings and they want to know, look I'm a neighbor and I'm <br />300 against this, quasi - judicial they can't say anything. That's objectionable, you're not supposed to allow them to go and <br />301 speak to that. So if you have one board where they know, oh Board of Adjustment that's when I have to have my <br />302 expert there to testify and any time you go before the Board of County Commissioners or the Planning Board, that's <br />303 when I'm allowed to give my opinion because they do policy and legislative matters. It's clear for the public. <br />304 <br />305 Lisa Stuckey: So, the quasi judicial, and I guess the mix will move out of the Planning Board? <br />306 <br />307 James Bryan: That would be my recommendation. <br />308 <br />309 Perdita Holtz: Well, the legislative part of the mix would not but we need to figure out what we want to do for <br />310 legislative versus quasi - judicial before we tackle that funny beast of the mix. <br />311 <br />312 Lisa Stuckey: But quasi - judicial is leaving us. <br />313 <br />314 Bonnie Hammersley: No, as the County Manager I have to speak. The issue tonight is some kind of <br />315 recommendation from this Board to the County Board of Commissioners, they make the final determination. One <br />316 thing I would want to add thought as you all talked about your power or your worth, this Board is a highly valued <br />317 board in county government and is in all the counties I've been in. The County Board of Commissioners depend on <br />318 you greatly for your recommendations and what you do and so I want you for that but no determination has been <br />319 made on what is going to happen. That's what this discussion is about. It would be a recommendation to the County <br />320 Commissioners and whether the Commissioners would agree with that, they would make the final determination and <br />321 1 don't know what that is. <br />322 <br />323 Maxecine Mitchell: I'm sitting here thinking I want to share in my own way, when I decided to be on this Planning <br />324 Board, I came to represent my community. I don't feel comfortable in any decision we make, I have to be there to <br />6 <br />
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