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13 <br />DRAFT <br />486 <br />487 Pete Hallenbeck: My personal opinion is to drop the quorum requirement because we've blown it two or three times <br />488 and if we blow it one more time, it is just, it's getting to the point it's not excusable and that's also based on the fact <br />489 that if we can just impress upon people how important it is to be there, it's not clear what the quorum is doing and the <br />490 Commissioners can still ask Planning Board members who are present for comments and input. <br />491 <br />492 Laura Nicholson: It's just funny that you're saying we need to make sure that we all know that it's really important to <br />493 be there but it's not a requirement. If it's really important to be there it should be a requirement. <br />494 <br />495 Pete Hallenbeck: It should but then when you don't have it, we were lucky that we had only a 30 minute delay. What <br />496 would happen if you had a meeting and you didn't have quorum and you tell all these people I'm sorry we just don't <br />497 have the people, we'll try this again in three months. <br />498 <br />499 Laura Nicholson: I agree I just don't see how we can't have a quorum. <br />500 <br />501 Lisa Stuckey: Why don't we ask staff, what's the problem? Do we know why people haven't shown up? What's <br />502 been the issue? <br />503 <br />504 Perdita Holtz: I think it just depends on the personalities that you have on the Board. How seriously people take their <br />505 position. <br />506 <br />507 Tina Love: There has never been a time when staff went to the meeting without a quorum. I have never left work at <br />508 the end of the day that staff didn't have a quorum. If I haven't heard from you, I get on the phone and I call you and 1 <br />509 keep on calling until I reach you, and I'm sorry about that, but we have to ensure there is a quorum. Then staff gets <br />510 to the meeting and for whatever reason, and things do come up last minute but there just isn't a quorum. I don't <br />511 know what other process we can do to fix that. <br />512 <br />513 Tony Blake: Send the Orange bus. <br />514 <br />515 Maxecine Mitchell: For me, I know we get a copy of the calendar every month, I put it on my personal calendar and <br />516 an alarm goes off and I say hey you've got a meeting. I don't care if it's an hour before, I'll throw on my clothes and <br />517 get up here because I've made up in my mind I'm committed and I know it's part of my responsibility on the Board. If <br />518 something comes up, an emergency, the first thing I try to do, I'm calling from South Carolina when my sister passed <br />519 away to say she passed I can't make it. Things like that, you can't help but if you're here you should be making it to <br />520 the meeting. I think it doesn't have to be a rule we just have to be committed and show up unless it is out of our <br />521 control. <br />522 <br />523 Laura Nicholson: I just think if the quorum isn't a rule then we're making ourselves seem less important. Like we <br />524 can't make it to a quorum, we've already embarrassed ourselves by not being there so let's just not hold ourselves <br />525 accountable and I think we should hold ourselves accountable by saying there has to be a quorum. <br />526 <br />527 Pete Hallenbeck: If the quorum requirement were effective, we would never have not had a quorum and I see this as <br />528 the price of failure of value of success and the price of failure having the quorum is we hold up the public. The value <br />529 of success is we have a quorum, the meeting starts but after that I don't see a lot of difference because the <br />530 Commissioners can still ask our opinion and we are still there to get input. I think that's why I come down on the side <br />531 of dropping the quorum requirement. It's just that simple weighing of the price of failure and the value of success. 1 <br />532 don't see any difference in the outcome. <br />533 <br />534 Tony Blake: What's the reason for the joint meeting? <br />535 <br />536 Pete Hallenbeck: I think Laura's right on the money, it does bring the Planning Board out, it makes it part of the <br />537 process, it give value to it, adds importance to it. By the same reason if we don't show up it makes it look like the <br />538 Planning Board isn't important it doesn't care and the people are not there and you're holding up the citizens. <br />539 <br />10 <br />