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12 <br />II 1 <br />432 Buddy Hartley: So we want to be able to have a quorum at the public hearing, we either do or we don't. <br />433 <br />434 Lisa Stuckey: Aside from the time somebody was late, and I was one of them one time, it's been very close. There <br />435 were other meetings, I can think of two others, maybe three, where we were waiting for people to come. <br />436 <br />437 Maxecine Mitchell: But I usually get an email and if not an email somebody calls. Does not everybody get that same <br />438 thing as a reminder? <br />439 <br />440 Perdita Holtz: Yes, Tina sends out emails asking about quorum. <br />441 <br />442 Maxecine Mitchell: I have it on my calendar but when I get the email I remember, that's right I do have a public <br />443 hearing. <br />444 <br />445 Buddy Hartley: And she does call. <br />446 <br />447 Maxecine Mitchell: Yes, if she doesn't hear from me, she'll call. I just wondering, is that not working for everybody to <br />448 remember that there's a public hearing? <br />449 <br />450 Perdita Holtz: Often we call because enough people have said no, and so it's getting very close on whether we're <br />451 going to have quorum and so now we're scrambling to get on the phone with people who haven't responded to see if <br />452 they can show up or not. <br />453 <br />454 Pete Hallenbeck: You can put a lot of procedures in place but the bottom line is we had a lot of trouble and if it <br />455 happens again something has got to change. I would ask, it's not clear to me, what the value of having a true joint <br />456 meeting where the Planning Board has a quorum versus requiring Planning Board members to attend and if you <br />457 have bad attendance then the Commissioners can do something about it, like say thank you for your service but <br />458 you're not cutting it. We're going to be there and we're going to hear the public hearing input. The commissioners <br />459 certainly have the ability while we're there, even if it's not a joint meeting, to ask if there are any comments from the <br />460 Planning Board. It's well within their purview so I just don't see that dropping the official joint with a quorum <br />461 requirement, I don't think that will change the process a whole lot. What it will do is not hold up a meeting where you <br />462 have 100 citizens there. <br />463 <br />464 Craig Benedict: From what I'm hearing from the discussion, there seems to be somewhat of a role of the Board in a <br />465 differentiation between how they act on a legislative matter, where they can hear opinions left and right, they can <br />466 hear the community and they can see the site versus the quasi-judicial nature where your role is more structured. <br />467 Not that we are making any determinations tonight, but maybe when we do this interim report, maybe there are two <br />468 different processes that we follow for legislative matters versus a quasi - judicial and right now they're clustered <br />469 together and maybe we should take a look at the role of the Board on a legislative matter and how we get input <br />470 versus a quasi-judicial matter follow a different tract. Does that sound reasonable? <br />471 <br />472 Pete Hallenbeck: In general, what I'm hearing, and I realize there is variation everywhere, is everybody agrees there <br />473 is great value in having the Planning Board at the quarterly public hearing. The challenge is if you don't have a <br />474 quorum, we don't want that to derail anything. I am also hearing people are happy with this concept that the Planning <br />475 Board can take citizen input so we can get that sooner and hopefully that combined with the 45 days will just make <br />476 everything go better. Most of what we've been talking about is for the legislative processes which are 88% of the <br />477 time. The quasi - judicial is a different process and we need to work on knowing what our role is in that. That may be <br />478 something staff and the attorney can work on to educate us on that a little bit better but again 88% of the time it is <br />479 legislative and it would be great to also notify all Planning Board member of any neighborhood information meeting <br />480 that is going on so we have a chance to get out there and see what is going on. Those are the main points I'm <br />481 pulling out. Is there anything major anyone can think of? <br />482 <br />483 Laura Nicholson: So, is the idea that we will have quorum and we'll all just internally say we are going to be better <br />484 about getting quorum or was there some barrier that maybe some of us that are new don't understand why we <br />485 couldn't get a quorum before? <br />9 <br />