Agenda - 11-06-2014 - 5c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-06-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-06-2014 - 5c
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6/8/2015 3:04:56 PM
Creation date
11/6/2014 8:01:09 AM
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Minutes 11-06-2014
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11 <br />II 1 <br />378 important as attending the quarterly public hearings for the representatives of that group to bring back to the Planning <br />379 Board I think that would go a long way towards your crystal ball. <br />380 <br />381 Pete Hallenbeck: Two things here, on page 72 there's that summary and that Perdita came up with and 88% of the <br />382 time things are legislative and 3% of the time it is a mix. You never want to ignore a minority of cases but you also <br />383 don't want to optimize the system on one low probability parameter. Also, Tony, I wanted to comment and this will <br />384 sort of speak to what Maxecine was talking about, I like the idea that you notify Planning Board members if there is <br />385 neighborhood information meeting in their district. I think that's a great thing to do. <br />386 <br />387 Michael Harvey: With all due respect, I think that the policy should be that every Planning Board member gets <br />388 notified and they can choose to attend if they can or cannot. That way everybody benefits. As neighborhood <br />389 meetings are scheduled the Planning Board gets notified and every member has an opportunity to attend. <br />390 <br />391 Tony Blake: I would agree. <br />392 <br />393 Michael Harvey: The reason I saying it that way is if Tony Blake can't show up, maybe other members can and the <br />394 fact that Tony was not able to show up on a given evening. I think if you're asking staff to make sure you're notified <br />395 of every N I M then we can just do that as a policy. <br />396 <br />397 Pete Hallenbeck: You're right on the money, that's more functional and easier to implement. <br />398 <br />399 Paul Guthrie: I have a question for those of us who live in the County but are under Chapel Hill planning <br />400 management, how do we get notified? Because most of the planning of what that has done is under Chapel Hill's <br />401 Planning Board. There was a point in time in the past the County Commissioners made a recommendation for <br />402 appointment to the Chapel Hill Planning Board, from the area in which I live in, and the first thing that happened, it <br />403 happened to be me as the nominee, and the first thing that happened was Chapel Hill Planning Board and the <br />404 Council decided to eliminate that position so I think that we need to talk about those fringe areas that are in the <br />405 extraterritorial jurisdiction and see if we can get the process working there too. I'm in the southeast corner of the <br />406 County and it is going to be one of the big growth areas in a very small area over the next few years, I'm afraid, and <br />407 there is a lot going on but you usually have to read about it in the newspaper to find out about it. <br />408 <br />409 Perdita Holtz: So you're suggesting that we work with Chapel Hill Planning's Department for them to overhaul their <br />410 practices on how they notify? <br />411 <br />412 Paul Guthrie: No, I'm just saying it would be nice to know when those things are going on or how many newspapers I <br />413 need to subscribe to. <br />414 <br />415 Perdita Holtz: It's Chapel Hill's planning jurisdiction and we don't necessarily always know what is going on. <br />416 <br />417 Pete Hallenbeck: I think the key thing is, you being in Chapel Hill, if there's any neighborhood information meetings, <br />418 you'll find out about it in the County because Michael's suggestion was right on the money. It's easy to implement <br />419 and everybody's informed. <br />420 <br />421 Buddy Hartley: I feel like the process we have now is working. The question is can we get a quorum at the public <br />422 hearing. That's the question. The process is working, staff is doing their job. Staff is giving us the information for <br />423 whatever is taking place and we are recommending to the Board of County Commissioners, whether they like our <br />424 recommendation or not, they do what they want to do. So, I do like the fact of possibly having the public being able <br />425 to come to us before the public hearing but then the question is are we going to have a quorum at the public hearing. <br />426 I don't see a big problem with that we just need to let staff know in advance if we cannot make that meeting so they <br />427 know. We should be able to get a quorum at the public hearing. <br />428 <br />429 Perdita Holtz: Well it's really far in advance because the legal ad gets published and notices get sent out, the legal <br />430 ad is due to the paper like three weeks before the public hearing. <br />431 <br />
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