Orange County NC Website
20 <br />transportation, commercial and community services, and adequate supporting <br />infrastructure (i.e., water and sewer, high -speed internet access, streets, and <br />sidewalks), while avoiding areas with protected natural and cultural <br />resources. This could be achieved by increasing allowable densities and <br />creating new mixed -use zoning districts where adequate public services are <br />available. <br />Land Use Goal 6: A land use planning process that is transparent, fair, open, <br />efficient, and responsive. <br />Objective LU -6.1: <br />Undertake a comprehensive effort to inform and involve the citizens of <br />Orange County in the land use planning process. <br />Objective LU -6.2: <br />Maintain a cooperative joint planning process among the County <br />municipalities and those organizations responsible for the provision of water <br />and sewer services to guide the extension of service in accordance with the <br />Comprehensive Plan, the Orange County - Chapel Hill - Carrboro Joint Planning <br />Agreement and Land Use Plan, and the policies of the municipalities, and <br />WHEREAS, the FLUM classification and overlays that are part of the <br />amendment are consistent and compatible with those in the area of the <br />amendment and in general, are of a very low density residential and conservation <br />minded nature, and <br />WHEREAS, the requirements of Section 2.3 and 2.8 of the Unified <br />Development Ordinance (UDO) have been deemed complete. <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of <br />Orange County, North Carolina, that the Future Land Use Map, provided in <br />Chapter 5 of the Land Use Element of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, is hereby <br />amended as described consistent with the attached map. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner <br />seconded by <br />Commissioner , the aforementioned <br />2030 Comprehensive Plan amendments were adopted this the day of <br />, 2014 and shall become effective upon adoption. <br />Donna Baker, Clerk, Orange County Commissioners <br />