Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF CONIlVIISSIONERS <br />AGENDA <br />BOCC Transfer Station Siting Work Session <br />February 11, 2008 <br />Meeting - 7:45 p.m. (or immediately upon adjournment of the <br />7:30 p.m. Reconvened Regular Meeting) <br />Southern Human Services Center <br />Chapel Hill, NC <br />PURPOSE: <br />The purpose of the meeting will be to present a resolution, drafted by County <br />management, for adoption stating the Board's desire to ensure a fair, open, and <br />fundamentally sound siting process and to emphasize the Board's commitment to <br />public participation throughout. A revised transfer station siting process flow <br />schematic and schedule reflecting public meetings as currently established by the <br />BOCC will also be presented for adoption. <br />In addition information regarding the selection of exclusionary criteria, technical <br />criteria and proposed public participation elements will be presented for <br />discussion, feedback, direction and public comment. <br />AGENDA (ORDER OF BUSINESS): <br />1) Recommend Adoption of Public Participation Resolution (Exhibit 1) <br />2) Recommend Adoption of Transfer Station Siting Process Flow Schematic <br />and Schedule (Exhibits 2 and 3) <br />3) Discussion, Feedback, and Direction on Public Participation Program <br />(Reference -Exhibit 2) <br />4) Discussion, Feedback, and Direction on Exclusionary Criteria (Exhibit 4 - <br />Resources -Exhibits 5 and 6) <br />5) Discussion, Feedback, and Direction on Technical Criteria (Exhibit 7) <br />6) Public Comment Period (15 Minutes) <br />7) Further Comment, Direction, and Feedback as desired by the Board to Olver, <br />Incand/or County Management <br />ATTACHMENTS FOR RESOURCEIREFERENCE: <br />Exhibit 1-Orange County Transfer Station Siting Process Resolution: Commitment to <br />Public Participation <br />Exhibit 2 -Revised Transfer Station Siting -Process Flow Schematic <br />Exhibit 3 -Revised Transfer Station Siting Schedule <br />Exhibit 4 -Preliminary Exclusionary Siting Criteria <br />Exhibit 5 -Orange County Watershed Map <br />Exhibit 6 -Major Transportation Arterials <br />Exhibit 7 -Technical Siting Criteria <br />