Orange County NC Website
D 1:Q ?? 0:= 7 <br />Attachment 1 4 <br />transportation, particularly for independent bicycle projects and improvements that make <br />bicycling safer on County roads. <br />2. Orange County requests that the NCDOT Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian <br />Transportation consider funding an independent bicycle project to construct 4-ft. paved <br />shoulders along Dairyland Road to accommodate bicycle traffic from Union Grove Church <br />Road (SR 1111) to Orange Grove Road (SR 1006). This area experiences high levels of <br />bicycle traffic from Carrboro and Chapel, Hill to rural routes. This route is a portion of the <br />number 3 priority listed in Orange County's Priority List for the 2009-2015 TIP for projects <br />outside the MAB. The entire project would connect the urbanized areas of Carrboro and <br />Chapel Hill to Efland and Mebane via Dairyland Road, Orange Grove Road, and <br />Buckhorn Road. The portion from Union Grove Church Road to Orange Grove Road is <br />part of a loop that, along with Old NC 86, has been designated as a North Carolina Scenic <br />Corridor. NCDOT, through the Moving Ahead Program and the Resurfacing Program has <br />included provisions for 2-ft. paved shoulders on Orange Grove Road that will improve <br />conditions for bicyclists on that road. (Moving Ahead provided 2-ft. paved shoulders on <br />SR 1006 from Old NC 86 to SR 1199, Tree Farm Rd.; 2008 Resurfacing Program will <br />provide 2-ft. shoulders along SR 1006 from SR 1199 to SR 1102, Dodson's Crossroads <br />and resurface and provide 2-ft. paved shoulders on SR 1006 from Dodson's Crossroads <br />to SR 1177, Dairyland Road.) <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Orange County, while acknowledging that cuts in <br />appropriated federal transportation funds to North Carolina coupled with the rapid increase in <br />construction costs make it unlikely that the NCDOT can add new projects to the STIP in this <br />update, the County requests that the NCDOT consider all funding possibilities for priority <br />needs identified in the Orange County Priority List for the 2009-2015 Transportation <br />Improvement Program. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner , and seconded by Commissioner <br />the foregoing resolution was adopted <br />this the day of , 2008. <br />I, Donna Baker, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange, North. <br />Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of so much of the <br />proceedings of said Board at a meeting held on February 5, 2008, as relates in any way to <br />the adoption of the foregoing and that said proceedings are recorded in the minutes of said <br />Board. <br />WITNESS my hand and the seal of said County, this day of , 2008. <br />Clerk to the Board of Commissioners