Agenda - 02-05-2008-6b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-05-2008
Agenda - 02-05-2008-6b
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9/1/2008 9:53:00 PM
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8/28/2008 9:36:48 AM
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DRAFT for Options #1 & 2 - Revised based <br />on October 9, 2007 BOCC Discussion 4 <br />Tenant Requirements for Leasing <br />the Public Market House For Use As A Farmers' Market <br />Orange County Government will have final authority over the Public Market House (PMH) and its <br />grounds. This is a multi-use facility that will have specific guidelines for use as a farmers market. It will <br />lease the shelter to one Farmers' Market organization (tenant) that agrees to the following requirements. <br />A formal agreement between Orange County Government and the tenant will include, but not limited to, <br />the following requirements. <br />A Board of Directors (the board will be made up of market vendors) <br />Develops market rules and is responsible for, but not limited to: market operations, marketing, finances, <br />governance, upkeep, and adherence to Federal, State, and Local laws and regulations that pertain to <br />farmers' markets or any activities the Farmers' Market organization holds at the PMH. <br />A Market Manager (who will work for and report to the Board of Directors) <br />Must not be a vendor unless the size of the market and the revenue it generates is not enough to warrant <br />a manager who is not a vendor. If it is necessary for a vendor to be the market manager, the Board of <br />Directors will still have authority over the manager. <br />Selection of Vendors <br />Vendors must be selected and approved by the Board of Directors based on criteria previously adopted <br />by the board. Criteria cannot be discriminatory or based on race, sex, religion, creed, or sexual <br />orientation. The board must, however, develop criteria that: <br />¦ gives preference to Orange County farmers (including artisans and bakers) <br />® requires vendors sell only farm products they produce (there will be no reselling of produce, <br />meat, dairy, poultry, flowers, nursery plants, or any other farm products) <br />¦ provides a good product mix of fresh and value-added agricultural products (including arts and <br />crafts and baked goods) for consumers <br />¦ ensures products sold are of high quality (all prepared food items, meat, fish, and cheese sold <br />must meet state and local health regulations including the inspection of the prepared foods <br />sellers's kitchens by NCDA health inspectors and labeling in compliance with the regulations) <br />¦ details requirements for participation <br />requires a commitment from vendors to sell at a substantial number of market sessions during the <br />season <br />¦ requires vendors to abide by the market's schedule for arrival, set-up, and disassembly <br />¦ requires vendors to display products within certain guidelines <br />¦ requires vendors to provide signage that identifies the farm and clearly displays product prices <br />¦ sets limits on the size of vehicles used by vendors at the market <br />Provision of Safe, Secure, Healthv, and Non-threatening Shopping Conditions <br />The safety, security, health, prevention of threatening or offensive conditions for patrons and vendors is <br />of utmost importance. Provisions must be made to ensure that these issues are accounted for. No <br />animals may be sold or given away at the market. No pets are allowed. No alcoholic beverages are <br />permitted at the market. <br />Liability The Board of Directors is responsible for any liability issues that arise as a result of the use of the PMH <br />while it is in use as a Farmers' Market. Insurance coverage, in the amount required by the county, must <br />be in force any time the PMH and its grounds are being used for that purpose. The Board Of Directors <br />must supply the county with current copies of their certificates of insurance.
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