Orange County NC Website
<br />Proposed rules for the farmers market at the Public Market House <br />1) Sellers must reside and produce the items they sell within a 50-mile radius of Hillsborough and in the <br />State of North Carolina. <br />2) Sellers must be the original producer of all items being sold. No buying and reselling of produce or <br />other products are allowed. <br />A seller may lease land for crop production; however if that land has an established crop on it at <br />the time of the origin of the lease, the seller must perform all operations necessary to manage that crop for <br />at least one full season prior to the season in which the fruits of that crop are harvested for sale at the <br />market. Documentation of the lease may be required. <br />A seller who purchases land with an established perennial crop on it may harvest and sell that crop <br />in the year of purchase. <br />3) The seller's farm or business must be visited by representatives of the farmers' market governing board <br />before his/her application will be considered for approval. <br />4) Sellers must pay a daily selling fee determined by the governing board. <br />5) Sellers who have attended a market for 12 weeks or more during the previous year may reserve a regular <br />selling space for the season at that market, as space permits. <br />6) A seller must occupy a reserved space at the Saturday market by the first Saturday in May or lose the <br />right to reserve that space for the remainder of the season unless he/she notifies the manager before the first <br />Saturday in May of intent to begin selling at a later date. All exceptions be at the manager's <br />discretion. <br />7) Reserved spaces will be held until 7:45am on Saturdays and until 3:30pm on Wednesdays. <br />8) The market will operate from 8:00am to 12:00pm on Saturdays and 4:00pm to 7:00pm on Wednesdays <br />April through October. Winter hours will be scheduled according to demand. (No Wednesday hours until <br />after construction is completed.) <br />9) Sellers should not move their vehicles in or out of the market area during times when such movement <br />would pose a danger to people in the shopping area. Vendors may not leave prior to one half hour before <br />closing time. They may lose attendance credit for the day; all exceptions are to be at the manager's <br />discretion. (No Wednesday hours until after construction is completed.) <br />10) Each seller is responsible for cleaning up the area around his/her selling space. <br />11) Prices must be posted for all items sold. <br />12) Products, which can be sold, include: <br />a. Any vegetable grown by the seller from seeds, sets, or seedlings. <br />b. Any fruits, nuts or berries grown by the seller from trees, bushes, or vines on the seller's farm. <br />c. Any plant grown by the seller from seed, seedling, transplant or cutting. <br />d. Bulbs propagated by the seller. <br />e. Eggs produced by the seller's poultry. <br />f. Honey produced by the seller's bees. <br />g. Fresh (not frozen) baked goods made by the seller. All baked goods must be wrapped. <br />h. Preserves, relishes, jams, jellies, etc., made by the seller. No "low-acid" canned foods such as <br />green beans, corn, peas, carrots, etc. may be sold. High Acid or Acidified foods (pickles, tomato <br />products, etc.) may be sold if the seller has passed the FDA certification course. A copy of their <br />certification must be on file with the market manager. <br />L Fresh cut or dried flowers grown by the. seller.