Orange County NC Website
Construction <br />17 <br />II.E Project Details. Please provide the information requested below (feel free to add additional lines where <br />necessary). Where the question is not applicable or no information is available, insert N/A. <br />Site <br />1. Please attach the following: <br />? Site map showing lot boundaries, location of structure(s), and other site features <br />? General location map (at least %a mile radius) <br />2. Size of development site: acres <br />Property Acquisition <br />1. Has agency acquired real property in order to carry out the project, or is property acquisition planned? <br />2. Has property owner been informed of your intention to use federal funds for this project? If so, <br />attach letter (sample property acquisition letters are available from staff). <br />3. Is the property currently occupied? If so, attach a description of your plan to relocate tenants in <br />accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act (contact appropriate staff if you have questions about the <br />,URA). <br />Construction Detail <br />1. How many units will be newly constructed? Rehabilitated? <br />2. What is the sq. footage of each unit? Number of bedrooms/baths? <br />3. Will project participate in an energy efficiency program (e.g. Energy Star)? If yes, please provide <br />details: <br />4. How many units will have full ADA accessibility? Please provide details: <br />5. Please attach the following: <br />? Floor plan(s) <br />? Elevation (s) <br />6. For rehab projects, describe your lead-based paint abatement plan for property built before 1978: <br />7. How many households will have direct access to improved infrastructure? Please describe: <br />8. Is the proposed project located in a designated Neighborhood Conservation District (NCD)? If yes, <br />is applicant fully informed of the NCD guidelines? <br />Affordability, Marketing_& SUportive Services <br />1. What are the proposed rents (include utility costs) or sales prices for completed units? <br />2: Explain your process for marketing to ensure an adequate pool of income-eligible renters or buyers: - <br />3. Describe any methods to ensure long-term affordability of housing units, including subsidy recapture, <br />equity sharing, deed restrictions, etc.: <br />4. If supportive services will be coordinated with the project, please describe: <br />3