Orange County NC Website
A. Declaration of Restrictions <br /> 1. The Orange County Planning Department shall author a Declaration of <br /> Restrictions (hereafter `the document') establishing and describing the <br /> various development restrictions, standards, conditions, and requirements <br /> associated with development of, and within, the project. <br /> The document shall be recorded concurrently with the Final Plat and <br /> approved, as to form and content, by the applicant and the County <br /> Attorney. <br /> 2. The document is not intended to serve, supplant, or take the place of any <br /> document recorded by the applicant establishing local homeowner <br /> covenants or deed restrictions enforced by either the applicant or an <br /> established homeowner's association. <br /> B. Sewage Disposal <br /> 1. The approval is contingent upon constructing and tapping to the <br /> necessary Town of Hillsborough waste water systems. <br /> C. Wells <br /> 1. The approval is contingent upon constructing and tapping to the <br /> necessary Town of Hillsborough water systems. <br /> D. Roads and Access <br /> 1. The proposed road shall be constructed to standards of the North <br /> Carolina Department of Transportation in accordance with the approved <br /> Preliminary Plat. <br /> Each roadway shall be located within a minimum 40-foot right-of-way, with <br /> 5-foot utility easements on each side. Construction shall be inspected <br /> and approved by NCDOT. <br /> OR <br /> A letter of credit or escrow agreement shall be submitted to secure <br /> construction of the aforementioned roadways to the standards of the <br /> North Carolina Department of Transportation in accordance with the <br /> provisions of the LIDO. <br /> An estimate of the construction cost must be prepared by a <br /> certified/licensed engineer or grading contractor and submitted to the <br /> Planning and Inspections Department. The financial guarantee must <br /> reflect 110% of that estimate and be issued by an accredited financial <br /> institution licensed to do business in North Carolina. <br /> In this instance, the document shall state posted financial guarantee(s) <br /> will not be released until the road construction has been inspected and <br /> approved by NCDOT. <br /> 2. With the exception of Lot #14, all lots shall receive access from the <br /> internal subdivision road as depicted on the approved Preliminary Plat. <br />