Minutes 09-11-2014
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 09-11-2014
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/24/2015 11:51:53 AM
Creation date
10/22/2014 9:10:05 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 09-11-2014 - Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2014\Agenda - 09-11-2014 - Work Session
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Commissioner Price said something needs to be done about service to Durham Tech in <br /> Durham. She said Durham will be offering the go-pass, which means that anyone there can <br /> get on the bus and go to Durham Tech at no cost. She suggested the same should be done <br /> here. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she likes option 2, but she is intrigued with what Commissioner <br /> Pelissier said about doing studies regarding the two day a week route. She said her concern <br /> is taking out the loop at the expense of putting extra days in for a northern route. She would <br /> like to see some review and flexibility of this, and she asked how long it would take to get this. <br /> Bret Martin said the service standards being adopted would be for 12 months notice of <br /> the routes to the public and then evaluation of data after 6 months of service. He said this <br /> means it would take 18 months total. <br /> Craig Benedict said if some of these grants come in it might be possible to implement <br /> the commuter loop within the next year. <br /> Chair Jacobs said he agrees with Commissioner Pelissier and Commissioner Rich. He <br /> likes option 2, but he does not want to give up the Efland/Hillsborough commuter loop. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if the discussion is to go only one day a week for the <br /> zonal routes. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the staff asked for feedback on options, and it seems that there is a <br /> preference for option 2 with some combination. <br /> Commissioner porosin said it sounds like the consensus is option 2, with yes on the <br /> Hillsborough Loop. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked if the new grant could be used for the Efland <br /> Hillsborough circulator route. <br /> Bret Martin said this grant is only for one year, but he is confident that additional <br /> sources of revenue will be made available. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said when staff comes back with this, the zonal routes need to <br /> start with two days a week, and it is important to be fair to the both ends of the County. <br /> 2. Employee Benefits Updates and Preliminary Recommendations Reqardinq <br /> Benefits Effective January 1, 2015 <br /> Brenda Bartholomew said Mark Browder presented the renewal options for 2015. <br /> Mark Browder said he would be reviewing Attachment B, and the renewal estimate for <br /> the health plan. He discussed several PowerPoint slide spreadsheets. <br /> He said slide 15 is a reminder that the County transitioned from being fully insured to <br /> self funded. He said the budgetary numbers were left the same as they were in 2013. He said <br /> slide 16 is an experience review since the plan has been self-funded, and he pointed out the 1 <br /> percent change in cost from 2013. He said the plan is currently running well and at budget. <br /> Mark Browder said slide 17 shows renewal calculations. He said when all of the costs <br /> are wrapped into one amount, they equal a 13 percent increase for 2015. He said 5 percent of <br /> that increase is due to healthcare reform changes, which means the plan itself would only call <br /> for an 8 percent increase. <br /> He said there are two renewal options for the 2015 plan year, as outlined in the <br /> abstract and on slide 8: <br /> Option 1: Renewal of the current two plans, the Point of Service Plan (POS) and the High <br /> Deductible Plan (HDP), without any change to plan design for six-months. Employees will <br /> continue to pay 2014 rates for dependent coverage. The County will bear the increased cost <br /> for dependent coverage for the six-month renewal period. <br />
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