Minutes 09-11-2014
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 09-11-2014
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Last modified
11/24/2015 11:51:53 AM
Creation date
10/22/2014 9:10:05 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 09-11-2014 - Agenda
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Bret Martin reviewed the maps for option #2 service concepts, and said these slides <br /> only highlight the things that are different from option #1. These differences are listed in red <br /> on the PowerPoint slides. <br /> He said option #2 for the US 70 mid-day service would not provide service to Durham. <br /> He said one reason for this proposal is the fact that the budget only allows for the inclusion of <br /> 2 hour directional headways. He said this option would allow for 1 hour directional headways <br /> and would be more user friendly, but it would not provide service to Durham. <br /> He said because more money is put into the budget for the northeastern, northwestern <br /> zonal routes, as well as the southern expansion, money is then taken away from the Efland- <br /> Hillsborough Commuter Service, and this service would not exist. <br /> Bret Martin reviewed the chart titled Mix and Match: Option #3 and he said all of the <br /> chart items highlighted in Orange are mix and match options. <br /> He said this plan has been put together very conservatively, only assuming revenue <br /> made available by Triangle Transit. He referenced the ranked chart of unfunded concepts that <br /> might be implemented in the event of additional funding. <br /> Craig Benedict said this proposal assumes 100 percent funding from the Orange <br /> County Bus and Rail Investment Plan, and it is not using other sources that will likely be <br /> available. He said this means that perhaps there will not be so many unfunded priorities. <br /> Bret Martin said that Commissioner Gordon had posed some questions regarding <br /> assumed costs built into the program. He said Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan, <br /> when it was developed, assumed an OPT operating cost of$58 per hour. He said he has <br /> gone back and looked at OPT's budget for the past two fiscal years, as well as the County's <br /> indirect cost allocation plan. He said the $58 per hour figure was developed based on <br /> everything, including overhead, and operating costs. He said when talking about adding new <br /> service, the concern is about isolating the marginal costs of providing that service, which came <br /> out to be $45 per hour. <br /> Craig Benedict said this item will come back on a regular meeting agenda to proceed <br /> toward finite marketing of a program that would likely start in February of 2015. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked for more explanation of the demand response versus the <br /> deviated route. She said the demand response is an expensive trip. She asked if a bus is <br /> actually held for demand response use. <br /> Peter Murphy said all demand response trips are booked two days in advance and no <br /> buses are held. He said the two day notice allows for scheduling of drivers one day in <br /> advance. He said the difference between the demand and deviated routes is that you can put <br /> fixed route stops out there for deviated route service, and if there are no calls the bus only <br /> runs to those fixed stops. He said you can deviate off of this based off of calls that do come <br /> in. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked how much the deviated route costs versus the demand <br /> route. <br /> Peter Murphy said a price has not been set, but right now the charge for demand <br /> response services is $3 for those who are eligible. He said this is a subsidized service, and <br /> the cost that Medicaid and the general public pay is $12.75. <br /> Bret Martin said there is no true deviated fixed route for the general public now, so no <br /> fare is being charged. He said the idea of the program is to charge a higher fare for those who <br /> request a deviation than for those who are picked up at fixed stops. <br /> Craig Benedict reviewed the routes on a map. <br /> Commissioner Gordon referred to the public comments and noted that option 2 was in <br /> response to option 1. <br />
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